Posting Status as at 2016

This Topic is left here for historical interest. It refers to the initial website which had a Frameworks Room within the TOP Studio. The TOP Studio is now discontinued and those frameworks are currently in the Frameworks in Development section. They will not be re-located even if completed with reasonable confidence.

For a regularly updated list of frameworks in the current website, go here.

See a list of posted frameworks.


Posting Nearly Complete. This set of frameworks was developed in 2007-2010 for the launch of the website in 2011, and now needs some revision in the light of recent inquiries. It flows from the framework for making an ethical choice as published in Working with Values: Software of the Mind (1995). Since posting, there seems to be confirmation of predictions in regard to maturation of politics.

The framework dealing with political life is now known to contain some logical errors. The main impact of these is in relation to the derived framework for political tensions. Revision will take place in due course.

Communication and the Use of Language

Posting Commenced. The introduction to this inquiry was posted at the 2011 launch and included 10 framework challenges that are to be sequentially undertaken. The initial originating framework, communicative elements, soon appeared. Posting of the framework for intentional expression and the distinct ways that we use language commenced in the TOP Studio during 2013.

Personal Endeavour

Posting Complete for Now. These frameworks were given priority for development when the website commenced because this is where the Taxonomy appears to start: the Root Hierarchy or Will Domain. These Levels of Will define the Hierarchy of Personal Endeavour. The way we pursue endeavours is explained in terms of transcending a current situation and actualizing something new. Creativity is intrinsic to endeavour and its elements and dynamics have also been posted. Further frameworks formulating the Root Spiral Complex are needed to complete this Satellite.

Your Better Self

Posting Complete. THEE appears to tap into universal human needs that are based in purpose and value. Discovery of these frameworks followed clarification of Personal Endeavour above. Posting took place in 2012-2013. The system identifies three existential codes: for social life, for rightness, and for goodness. Each person’s life appears to be governed by a Primal Quest. The structure of Quests has led to a clarification of how we exist, the issue of good and evil, what restrains evil, how communities can thrive, how we produce goodness and more.

Prospering by Interacting-for-Benefit

Posted with Applications. Not Complete. This previously developed but unpublished Q-expansion framework was posted at the commencement of website development in 2009. Well tested in consultancy, the frameworks emerge from combining two of the seven approaches to ethical choice (see: Ch.6 of Working with Values, 1995). It puts the Graves-Beck-Wilber Spiral Dynamics approach into a new perspective. As well as providing a validation for their work, it is a fertile source of applications including tools for career development, personal interaction, staff involvement, cooperation, career development, commercial ethos, marketing strategies and government intervention in the economy.

Making Decisions and Achieving in Organizations

Posting Complete. Posting took place through 2011 starting with two well-validated and popular frameworks discovered in the 1980s. The management culture framework predicted the current interest in innovation and creativity over two decades ago. New frameworks dealing with employment, management and employee tensions, were derived because of the confidence in the architecture gained from the investigation of Politics.

Arenas of Work in Society

Posting Commenced. This framework set was instigated by the pioneering findings of Elliott Jaques. His 7-level structure for Old Economy organizations is recognized as relevant to the second of seven overlapping «Work Arenas» within society. These emerge from the Q-expansion of the use of language typology. The extended model now provides for organising all varieties of work in society. Work in Formal Organizations is now posted. Posting for other work arenas, initially Academic Disciplines, will take place in the Frameworks Room as opportunity allows.

Working with Values

Posted for Downloading. There is a variety of high-confidence important and practical frameworks developed systemically in this 1995 text. In particular: levels of purpose, the nature of values, values and social groups, ethical rules and codes, making an ethical choice, society's ethical authorities, rights, justice and social responsibility, how values are realized in society, the duties and structures of governance. Individual Chapters and Matrices can be downloaded free of charge.

Experience and Individuality

Posting Commenced. The main framework was published in Ch. 7 of Working with Values. It has now been revised in the light of taxonomic discoveries since 1995, and analysed using the Typology Essences Table. The accounts currently posted deal with the elements of experience, and the methods for (mental) stabilization, previously labeled «methods of identity development». The Spiral evolution of the sense of self and derived frameworks will be posted in the Frameworks Room.

Inquiry and Knowledge

Posting Commenced. These frameworks, amongst the first discovered in the early 1980's, have been revised in 2015 and corrected in the light of current taxonomic understanding. The elements of inquiry and the research methods are now posted in the Frameworks Room.


The focus since 2013 has been on the architecture of the Taxonomy. Findings are being posted in the Architecture Room of the TOP Studio. These explorations can be extremely technical. They have led to conjectures as to the evolutionary and neuro-biological basis for THEE. The main findings are being incorporated within the Hub.
ClosedSome Findings.

Originally posted: July 2009; Last updated: 14-Oct-2016