Opportunities for Collaboration

The Taxonomy has an unusual but systematic form. It lends itself to software implementation so that users can move about it easily.
The projection from the Root hierarchy to all main structures is scientifically appealing but increases the logical complexity and introduces recursion. A logical-mathematical approach therefore seems appropriate and necessary to represent THEE in a formal and (relatively) simple fashion.
See more details in the Architecture Room.
I welcome contact from any interested programmer.

AI seeks to become AGI and emulate human intelligence. To the degree, that this means emulating human functioning, THEE has a contribution to make.
Two examples:
1. The concern about values demands a conceptualization of values as a human phenomenon. Nowhere is this to be found except in THEE.
2. Knowing to reach conclusions, the Q-complex in , puts the knowledge provided by any AI system into a human context.
If you have expertise in AI and would like to collaborate, then let me know.

High quality graphic design and consistent useful images for the Taxonomy are an essential part of the TOP website experience.
To move the standard up to the next level, TOP needs the contribution of an experienced graphics/design professional.
TOP needs:
- strategies to develop identity and quality
- programs to ensure consistency, coherence and unity
- criteria and methods to guide our graphic designer(s)
- oversight of the production of key designs
- management of graphic artists.
If you are capable and interested in working in the TOP Team in this way, then let me know.

This website seeks to be produced to a very high standard. This is particularly important in regard to the articulation and presentation of ideas.
For many years until she retired, Helen provided superb services and created a Style Book. I am looking for someone to take her place and maintain her standards.
For maximum efficiency, proofing/editing requires the use of MadCap Flare.
If you would like to contribute in this way, then let me know.

There is no better way to start engaging with all the Frameworks in the Taxonomy.
Below are some of the contributions that we need. One or more might suit you:
- extracting terms and definitions from Satellites not yet handled
- updating as new frameworks are posted
- checking appropriateness of internal hyperlinks
- setting hyperlinks to main framework Topics
- setting hyperlinks to pop-up graphics
- improving tables
- correcting formulation errors
- linking to social science concepts
- suggesting other refinements.
Some of these tasks would be most efficiently handled with our best-in-class Madcap Flare software available at no cost.
If you want to focus on the Glossary, then make contact now.

There is no better way to get into Working with Values (1995).
than to draft its Topics. The source material is largely developed and available withinYou can contribute by:
- Structuring Topics and drafting initial versions; &/or
- Producing diagrams based on existing templates.
Ideally drafting is done in Madcap Flare, so all specialized web functions are accessible. Alternatively, drafting may be done in MS-Word (or similar). Graphics are produced using Adobe Illustrator and Excel.
Frameworks to be explained using the book include:
Since publication, additional dynamic frameworks (Trees) have been developed to deal with , and .
Interested? Make contact now.

The Taxonomy provides a new way into the vexed philosophical (and scientific) issue of consciousness. I would like that debate to be engaged in a professional way as part of TOP.
At the heart of the Taxonomy lies a philosophical puzzle of how the creative use of personal experience interacts with impersonal realities, especially the physical world but also other utterly alien psychosocial realities.
Anyone who is comfortable with the taxonomic perspective, and would like to pursue some of its philosophical aspects is welcome. The approach taken appears to be based in Wittgenstein and phenomenology. Note that this is not work for an amateur. Please indicate your background and past publications. If this is for you, please contact me.

The discovery of the taxonomic architecture has generated a number of conjectures that deserve testing using the conventional research methods of social science or neurophysiology.
Scientists with a suitable track record and with access to equipped laboratories are invited to make contact to discuss collaboration.
Originally posted: February 2013; Last updated: 10-May-2023