Architecture of the Arenas
The Arenas of cross-domain influence are defined by the Q-expansion of the Principal Typology. As explained in The Hub, Principal Typologies can be expanded by applying a 4-level Style Hierarchy (aka Modal Hierarchy) to each Type. This generates a 28-level structure.
Style Hierarchy and Arenas in Inquiry
The modal levels for
are currently formulated as:
- α: Asserting
- β: Organising
- γ: Contesting
- δ: Anchoring
The full layout is shown here. The Column on the left is the Typology of Methods. The Column on the right shows the 28 styles (7 Methods x 4 Styles). The green rectangles in the centre are the Arenas generated by combining methods using the Style levels.
Arenas are formed by combining all 4 levels of one Type together with the lower 3 Levels of the next higher Type to create a 7-level structure. The arrangement is cyclic, and so the 7th Arena is formed by 4 Levels of L'7 and the lower 3 Levels of L'1.
Frameworks within each Arena
Each Arena contains a variety of frameworks generated by the 7 constituent levels.
- Q●t: Subsidiary Typology: the 7 levels viewed as Types, Methods, Approaches or «Ways»
- Q●C: Development Spiral: a trajectory of strengthening that follows the Typology order.
- Q●HK: Tree: a holistic hierarchy revealing determinants of the phenomenon in question.
- Q●sH: Structural Hierarchy: These have not yet been developed and so their quality is unknown.
- Q●sHK: Tree: The only prediction is that the lower content section ( ) will have the same quality as the context section.
Start by applying the Style Hierarchy to reveal 28 Research Styles.
Originally drafted: 21-May-2023.