Research Styles
Methods in THEE's Primary Domains can be operated in 4 different ways or styles which are in a hierarchic order. See further architectural details here.
Recognizable labels can be assigned to particular types of inquirers or forms of inquiry in relation to these styles. All labels and suggestions are provisional at this point.
Empirical Method

need simply to the value of the empirical approach. By contrast, who control the data and its analysis must any empirical research project. Once data has been collected, its significance is by to determine confidence levels, probabilities that findings are by chance. Finally, empirical findings are by the work of who bring together available studies for deeper statistical and qualitative study.
Analytic Method

typically what their findings mean via qualified conclusions and speculations. However, a more experienced investigator, perhaps the expects to the analytic effort in light of the literature and a variety of possibilities. This ensures a coherent and reflective "Discussion" section in publications. Whatever the analysis, there will be who the conclusions reached. Finally, every field of study provides for to the analyses by studying multiple recent papers and creating an overview in the light of earlier studies.
Explanatory Method

simply a particular explanation, perhaps as part of an analysis refuting a colleague's conclusions. go the next step and the testing of the hypothesis either to verify or falsify it. Whatever the findings, there will be who the conclusions by drawing on alternative theories. Finally, explanatory research is ultimately by who check out multiple alternatives and ensure that the confirmed explanation fits within the existing theoretical paradigm.
Dialectic Method

simply the existence of a conflict within the inquiring field. However, it requires a to the inquiry by clarifying the nature of the conflict and the arguments supporting each position. to one side or the other polarization, typically wishing to nullify the opposition. Insofar as both sides have adherents, the research is by a who explicitly validates both sides and shows how they are embraced within a single larger conception.
Holistic Method

holistic research because whatever they see is a pattern of objects in relation to other objects i.e. a model. take models provided or developed and them to fit particular situations so as to enable specific change or goal-driven activity. Given participants contribute to model development and design, with no stake or benefit are the ones who validity. Finally, the model by adopting and applying it on a regular basis.
Formal Method

Formal research starts by a
Contemplative Method

The contemplative method is required when anomalies and issues in the current paradigm are intractable. Only an
Now proceed to naming the Levels of informed knowing.
Originally posted: 21-May-2023.