Speculative Contrasts

Oscillating Duality

The oscillating duality refers to the polar contrasts found in THEE hierarchies between odd- and even-numbered levels in regard to a key property.

I am not fully confidence about the correct form of the duality in this case. However, I have identified the following possibilities.

  • Quality: Some experience elements seem inherently fuzzy and diffuse, and others seem intrinsically capable of becoming definite and distinct: cf. an intuition-L5 with an idea-L4.
  • CausationExperiences sometimes seem to be generated from within and at other times from without. e.g. we may blame people for how we feel-L3, but we do not usually assign blame for an image-L2.
  • Uniqueness:  Experiences sometimes appear to be personal, unique and idiosyncratic. At other times they seem to be inherently shared, similar or even identical. No two people have an identical sensation-L1, emotion-L3, intuition-L5 or imagination-L7; but others can easily see your image-L2, copy your idea-L4, or share your identification-L6.
  • Error: Some experiences are incapable of error e.g. if I have a burning sensation-L1, then I have it, and it cannot be wrong or false even if there is no evident stimulus. Other experiences may be regarded as wrong e.g. I may have an image and be uncertain whether it is correct or not, or an idea that I regard as false.

Reversal:Closed In the Architecture Room study of forced reversal of the oscillating duality, fuzzy v distinct was used as the principal polar quality. In special situations, it is now held that this polarity can reverse. This finding should apply even if the duality form is found to differ.

L Name Oscillation
7 Imagination Fuzzy & External
6 Identification Distinct & Internal
5 Intuition Fuzzy & External
4 Idea Distinct & Internal
3 Emotion Fuzzy & External
2 Image Distinct & Internal

Odd Levels

The odd-numbered Levels appear to be fuzzy, externally-caused, and the entities are unique to the person, and cannot be wrong.

L1-Sensations are naturally fuzzy because they are typically experienced as occurring along a continuum. For example: where does green end and blue begin? What exactly is loud? Sensations are felt to be externally generated by stimuli, and that includes something like stomach ache. Everyone has a different biology and so sensations are unique. Sensations cannot be wrong, even if the conclusions drawn from them are mistaken.

L3-Emotions are naturally fuzzy probably because, like sensations-L1, they are physiological phenomena. Emotions function as signals and are triggered by particular situations, so they are felt to be externally generated: it shows up in the blaming tendency. Even if emotions are contagious and often conventional, they define the most tangible sense-of self: which means they are unique. Emotions are what they are and do not admit of correction. They cannot be wrong, even if others or even you, yourself, deem them inappropriate.

L5-Intuitions are naturally fuzzy because they represent a general sense of the situation that triggers them. Intuitions draw on past experience and develop via a web of associations. The relevant situation, even if it is a personal issue, is treated as an external cause. Intuitions seem to be wholly personal and so possess a uniqueness. They are developed immediately or with care over time and, once formed, cannot be wrong. Even if facts render an intuition incorrect or misjudged, that may be difficult to accept as they are hard to ignore or alter.

L7-Imagination is naturally fuzzy, and activated by events, information or situations. Its source is perceived to be external. Imagination is not dependent on personal history and can generate counter-intuitive possibilities. It appears to manifest a uniqueness. The imagination may lead one in the wrong direction or produce fantastical results but, in itself, it cannot be wrong.

Even Levels

The even-numbered Levels appear to be definite, internally-caused, and the entities are identical across people and can be mistaken.

L2-Images are naturally definite, because visualization is about producing a specific experience or representing something particular for some purpose. (Inner images are not like photographic reproductions.) Images are internally created as an effort to represent. Others can make the same representation, and these are expected to be similar. An image can be mistaken and will be adjusted in the light of explanation or information.

L4-Ideas are naturally definite because they are used to enable clear thinking and support communication. As long as the experience is your idea, not someone else's, you want a sharp focus to know it and to hold it in mind. Even if the idea is suggested to you, you treat its mental presence as internally generated. Whatever idea you create, it is perfectly possible for someone else to have the identical idea. An idea can be mistaken and it can be altered through persuasion or if evidence is provided.

L6-Identifications are naturally definite, because they are paradigmatic models for personal development, learning or identity change. Identifying is an internal process based on personally selecting someone else or some paradigm. Many can posses identical identifications, even if the manifestations differ. An identification can be mistaken through misunderstanding or lack of awareness, and then it may be corrected.

Originally posted: 24-Oct-2014. Last updated: 10-Dec-2014.