How Change Happens

Actions or Ideas
Change depends on the use of both actions and ideas. ("Ideas" includes theories, information, knowledge &c).
Each paradigm has its own assumptions and preferences as to whether action or ideas should be most significant and trusted in determining change.
The analysis below in terms of the domination v evolution approach duality reveals a pattern:
» dominating paradigms prefer action,
» evolution paradigms prefer ideas.
This need for choice recalls findings when comparing the oscillating duality in and . In both Typologies, the duality is about how to view the world: idealist or realist.
Focussing on the 4 odd-numbered levels indicates:
is primarily idealist as it develops action.
is primarily realist as it develops ideas.
Domination Paradigms prefer Action
The paradigms on the diagonal moving from LR to UL seek domination and value action above ideas. The preference increases as the diagonal is ascended.
values action because that is the source of all causation and the ultimate method of delivering benefits. Ideas and reasoning are valued as guides to action, and records are kept to monitor action.The
favours action, and views ideas and theories sceptically. Opposing ideas may be promoted by the two protagonists, but evidence that does not support a chosen view is commonly ignored or denigrated. Rational arguments against a value-based position are handled using emotional language, ambiguity, ad hominem attacks, red herrings and other logical fallacies. The ultimate goal of the two opposing participants is to dominate and win the argument not to use discussion or debate to help determine the most suitable course of action.
sees action as primary, because that is the ultimate source of power. Ideas are used as powerful weapons, not as the basis for knowledge, helpful communication or rational debate. Within the situation, ideas are used for social control and are inculcated via indoctrination and propaganda. Lying and deception are regarded as normal practices to handle both insiders and outsiders. thinking regards it as appropriate to use torture or inflict suffering to extract confessions even though these have no validity.Evolution Paradigms prefer Ideas
The paradigms on the diagonal moving from LL to UR recognize that action is the final common pathway for change, but regard information and ideas as critical for desirable and effective action.
regards action as an essential expression of personal autonomy. The right and responsibility to determine what actions serve personal interests implies the necessity to reflect on interests and preferences prior to action. There is also a tendency to speculate, which is unchecked by others and therefore likely to be idiosyncratic.The
values information as essential to component definition and rule-based operation. The ordering of the entity typically seeks to control action in general by specifying and monitoring functions, goals and rules. Ordering also ensures action is regulated in accord with data flows and provision of simple feedback loops.The
views all action as ideas-based. Decisions are generated by values and purposes, which should generally be shared and discussed. Courses of action take into account the views of those involved and results are subsequently reviewed via feedback.The
leads to extremely complicated theories which include intrinsically ethical concerns and potentially spiritual perceptions. Mastery of a developed framework is essential to ensure that actions taken will not be counter-productive. Action to enable growth is based in handling co-evolution in accord with that thinking.With this background, we can now consider:
- how thinking styles vary according to the .
Originally posted: 30-Jun-2024.