Degrees of Creativity
matters of willingness. Neither can be imposed.
are there for you to rise to, and is there for the evoking. Both are ultimatelyAlthough circumstances may conspire to force a positive response, you can mostly avoid or actively reject
should you so choose.The scale of the
(in your own eyes) determines the degree of you require. It is possible and reasonable for you to work with limited reasonable or to opt for the bigger riskier . If the search for , small or large, preoccupies you—like the perfect slope preoccupies a skier or the perfect wave a surfer—then becomes a major shaper of your life.If you look back and see that you have felt an urge or compulsion to take on THEE: a
again and again, then is the meaning of your life and probably the source of your happiness. It is your « », called inThe observations made in that section suggest a continuum of
. At one extreme, creative « » involves a level of challenge that is well-matched in difficulty to a person's current skill level and therefore does not demand much courage. At the other extreme, is required because the is so substantial that most cannot conceive of its successful handling.Note: Creativity within Organizations
Originally posted: 17-Feb-2012