Creativity is an Adventure
Although we are each creative by nature, how creative we are remains ultimately a personal choice. This is revealed in the final Channel linking and .
to embarking on activities that demand binds you to the . Your courage here does more than rise to the challenge: it activates commitment that anchors and quasi-irrevocably binds you to the unpredictable voyage intrinsic to creativity.An ordinary project is a venture, with a standard range of risks. A creative project is an adventure, with added risks that are unusual and exciting.
This Channel is named: Embrace the Adventure.
No Other Channels
FromCentres do not directly influence or lower Centres. The higher Centres seem to be too specific to realities and the project, while the lower Centres are solely about activating and increasing energies. There can be indirect effects via or .
From Centres do not directly affect without activation of the personal energies of or . Even , which seems like , can be turned on or off. might seem to relate to but, again, intervening Centres must provide the rationale.
cannot link directly to without a specific focus. That focus can be provided by or .- Now review the framework and consider some applications.
Originally posted: 9-Mar-2012