Politics is the Means

What Politics is About

The 3 axioms about governing established that all societies need governmental institutions to protect and strengthen both society as a whole and its members.

Now for the final 2 axioms:

Axiom #4:  Governmental functions require power and wealth.

To perform its duties, a government requires:

  • Coercive powers to ensure that certain things either happen or do not happen; &
  • Wealth to cover the costs of exerting power and discharging duties.

Axiom #5: Individuals are the sole sources of social goods, via their will, thought and action.

Government does not exist apart from society, and society does not exist apart from its members.

  • All power and wealth must come from individual members of society.
  • Government must operate via specific «individuals in offices of power».

Before proceeding, answer these two questions:

Suddenly it all becomes very clear…

From a taxonomic perspective, there is an easily recognized psychosocial phenomenon:

  • individuals seeking and obtaining access to the wealth and power of a society;

and there is a clear function/purpose:

  • managing society’s wealth and power authoritatively for the good of each and all via government.

Together this deserves the name «politics». So politics is different to government, while government unavoidably entails politics. Compare this definition with other definitions.

Everyone strives for a modicum of power and wealth. Those particular individuals who willingly strive to obtain access to the power and wealth of society as a whole—and who are expected to use power and wealth for the good of all—are commonly called «politicians».

The «political classes» also include necessary bureaucrats, advisors and others closely involved with government.

Next Steps

  • Politics is about what is right and good for society. That suggests a relationship to ethics, an area that has already been investigated in detail. The basics need to be understood to grasp politics: review them here.

  • Politics is not about regimes or ideologies or elites forming a ruling class, because these are about how government operates. Politics is more fundamental: it determines the regime and ideology and enables a ruling class. More in the review.

  • Now consider how politics and ethics are related.

Originally posted: July 2009; Last updated: 25-Feb-2014