Liberation & Regulation
Each ethical choice approach, including its soon-to-be-derived political mode, is polarized by its location on one of the diagonals. This polarity is termed in THEE: the «approach duality» (aD). In this case, it is Regulating v Liberating.
The 4 regulating approaches are on the diagonal from Lower L to Upper R. These are oriented to meeting group needs, via social control over individual differences. Ascending, the approaches are increasingly practical & future-focused.
The 3 liberating approaches are on the diagonal from Lower R to Upper L. These are oriented to meeting personal needs for growth via natural and personally satisfying choices. Ascending, the approaches are increasingly imaginative, sensitive, & personally beneficial.
Regulating Approaches
The conventionalist approach…
involves choosing what is acceptable; it supports continuity of existing norms in society—irrespective of practicality, or the future.
The legitimist approach…
requires thoughtful design of general rules which can take practical factors into consideration and recognize implications for the future.
The rationalist approach…
deals unequivocally with practical concerns and appropriate plans: it brings in scientific thinking to resolve a specific problem and the ramifications of any solution.
The communalist approach…
goes further by requiring the chooser to recognize the needs of all, and appreciate both short-term and long-term consequences.
Liberating Approaches
The pluralist approach…
requires reference to those groups from which we derive support and strength. Moving up the ellipse it presents as pragmatic, which is more sensitive to the main group(s) to which each of us belong. Just one or two tend to be relevant for lengthy periods and possibly a person's whole life (e.g. family).
The individualist approach…
defers unequivocally to self-interest, something that typically remains constant during particular phases of a person’s life, but may require imaginative change with circumstances.
The transcendentalist approach…
which enables a person to defer to their deepest sense of what is right and good, adapts rapidly as circumstances change and is the most imaginative and personally beneficial.
Originally posted: July 2009; Last updated: 27 Jan 2010