To Participate in Politics or Not

Political Participation is Unavoidable
Even if we dislike
and would like to wash our hands of any responsibility for what our governments do, it seems that the is rather natural for us. It then forms the basis for more intense political participation. In any case «not participating» is a form of participation, so there is no escape. Disengagement = silently assenting to political choices that you may abhor—Because we naturally hold values and pursue purposes, certain «
» automatically come into existence with social life and bind us tightly with responsibility.Still, you may argue:
Not so!
Many of us, or most in some countries, are part of a membership organization, industry association, professional body or labour union ( ) and live in a local government territory that has been deliberately and specifically created to look after our interests i.e. interests that are naturally about access to social goods and count unambiguously as .

Who has not contested an
- that made no sense? Can anyone avoid some responsibility in regard to observing or at least knowing part of - . Don't we often find ourselves involved willy-nilly in - —at least worrying or inquiring?Because no-one is immune from collective failures in matters like pollution, epidemics or crime, everyone is usually ready to speak up about
- . We may even have spoken up for - —at least when it coincided with our own interests. Finally, most of us adhere to, and impress on children, basic etiquette, civility and other - within society.Conclusion:
is natural—just as ethical obligation is natural. Both are intrinsic to our social existence.
Being a Political Player is a Choice
Society absolutely requires certain people to be more than socially concerned: they must be politically active and capable of working to benefit the whole of society. I term these: «
»—and there are many more of them than just politicians.To be a player and participate actively asks a lot of someone—it is another dimension of life found at the next level up (readiness to apply personal power to affect large numbers of unknown others.
). Its chief characteristic is aMaking political work a way of life may be hard to comprehend or accept. Yet everyone should benefit from the responsible and positive political work of others.
In the absence of a sharp focus on responsibility by the general public,
will attract those with a lust for power, and a willingness to be a cog in a power-fuelled machine.
More on the arenas of social and political commitment;
- Continue to and bringing pressure to bear.
Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 2-July-2014.