Resolving Political Differences: CG4

By naturally participate in the 7 arenas of …
people…which are sustained and constrained by those who feel obligated to to make a difference:
, these become adept at using some of the 6 ……which are sustained and constrained by self-interestedly taking advantage of emerging :
, harness one or more of the 5 ……which are sustained and constrained by formally exploring distinct perspectives on …
…now read on:
Differences call for Analyses
If mobilization has been successful, some change is accepted as necessary. But society is complex. Even if the general type and direction of change is clear and values are widely agreed, both the big ideas and details of appropriate public policy are rarely obvious and usually contentious.
The political task to resolve the differences causing dissension in society and develop policy proposals that create a sense of confidence and certainty.
To do this, it is necessary to draw on inquiries that develop suitable recommendations based on relevant knowledge.
Why Should Policy be Rational?

Any relevant inquiry must be authoritative if it is to be credible for wider society and considered by the government bureaucracy. So the institution, procedures and outputs of any inquiry need to be formal and well-documented.
Formal instructions for an inquiry may occur in two guises, much as we found in G2-political work.
The 4 Sources of Policy Analysis
There are 4 social mechanisms, corresponding to distinct analytic perspectives, by which 4 Tetrads: in the Structural Hierarchy—see diagram.
may be methodically generated for formal consideration. These are defined by theOutput from any serious policy-related inquiry takes time, never less than several months, usually 1-2 years, and in the case of some public inquiries as long as 2-5 years. As explained below, none of the policy methods escapes criticism.
Public Inquiry (CG44)
A formally instituted
is the method that most fully engages ordinary people in the policy-making process.
It emerges most effectively in societies that have reached the rationalist stage of political maturation.
Clamour for such an inquiry arises if public suffering has been caused by existing policies or by specific actions of a particular government agency.
Once the inquiry is over and the Report submitted, the team in charge is normally disbanded.
Think Tank Report (CG43)
gets its value from being academically-based and potentially independent of government, commerce and popular opinion.
deliberately impartial or self-consciously committed to a paradigm or ideology.
Institutes may present themselves asEach Institute exists to produce a flow of Reports, relevant studies and supporting promotional-educational events according to its particular mission.
Most think-tanks, free-standing or within a University, are multi-disciplinary. Reports sometimes emerge from specific academic departments e.g. sociology, economics.
Departmental Paper (CG42)
produced within a civil service bureaucracy or statutory agency is the method that is most under the control of the government.
The Government executive or civil service is divided up into a variety of departments, and appoints semi-arms length public agencies covering a range of societal matters.
On request from the political leadership, most departments have the capability to produce
with implementable recommendations. Sometimes these are given special names (e.g. «white paper» or «green paper» in the UK)can be produced as well, but the necessary cooperation often founders on differences in loyalties and perspectives.
Depending on their focus and content,
are distributed more or less widely to relevant organizations and interest groups for comments. Responses from this consultation may lead to amendments, or abandonment of the paper, or comments may be ignored entirely.Vested Interest Proposal (CG41)
is developed by the membership organization of an industry or a professional body or other enduring or ad hoc representative group. Typically we think of financial interests, but powerful lobbies could have other interests focussed on particular societal institutions like the judiciary or welfare.
Additional experts or representatives may be co-opted, and government officials may be invited as well. Any industry or particular interest group has its own agenda, but all face specific risks and have societally-relevant concerns (see diagram).
On the one hand the industry or group affected contains the most knowledgeable people; on the other hand it contains the people with the most to lose or to gain by government rules and intervention.
The main advantage is that a proposal generated by powerful groups can be assumed to have the support of those groups.

and occur under government auspices, the former with significant autonomy, and the latter with very little.
and emerge from private initiatives. The former usually have ideological backers, while the latter depend on the relevant societal interest group.
More on the four sources of public policy including specification of their internal structures.
Read about methods used for policy-generating inquiry. Consider the effect of mind-set on policy-generating inquiry.
But it is some distance away from legislative or executive changes and commitments made on behalf of society. The issue that emerges from policy inquiries is:
are finalized, we must move up aOriginally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Nov-2010. Amended: 13-Nov-2023.