Limits of Personal Influence in Society
We can now investigate the dynamics of legitimacy of political activities. The relation of groupings to Root levels comes to the fore in these brief accounts of inter-level influences. The account here is somewhat stylised to enable exposition and set the scene.
G7-Maintenanc of Stability-G7↔ Political Will-G6
CG7 ↔ CG6: This inter-level link can be conceived of as citizenry awareness i.e. “everyone knows something must be done, whether or not they agree”.
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Given the tensions based on felt injustices, stability via mass action-CG7 entails finding a political solution rather than a violent one. For any progress, the necessary willingness-RL7 must contribute to the development of a political will-CG6 within society. Political will also contributes to rejecting violence as a solution.
G6-Political Will ↔ Authorization Arrangements-G5
CG6 ↔ CG5: This inter-level link could be referred to as public mandate i.e. “society gives permission for an as-yet-undefined change to be introduced”.
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Political will-CG6 is a product of experience-RL4. Intense widespread ideas and feelings impact on the arrangements for authorizing change-CG5 in society. Governance systems may have provisions that can be activated and the leadership is not blind. While leaders sense the necessity for reform, they also perceive widespread resistance, sectional discontent and even hardship for many—as well as likely anger from financial and electoral supporters.
Awareness must therefore become more concrete. The willed change may be informally appreciated, but if there is any uncertainty, the people are asked for specific endorsement either via a referendum or via a manifesto at a regular election.
G5-Authorization Arrangements ↔ Resolution of Differences-G4
CG5 ↔ CG4: This inter-level link enables societal shaping i.e. "these are the sorts of measures that will be introduced".
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The government and leadership-CG5 desire the specific changes broadly according with the mandate to be acceptable and more beneficial than harmful. So there needs to be a search for good ideas and workable policies-CG4. Inquiries and reports typically feed back to the leaders and relevant government organs that have been set up to authoritatively shape the way change is handled.
Various guidance, priorities and time-lines based on conceptions of change-RL3 may emerge as essential to minimize disruption and manage costs.
Only at this point can all members of society get personally involved.
G4-Resolution of Differences ↔ Mobilization-G3
CG4 ↔ CG3: This inter-level link here seems to be popular contribution i.e. “this is what together we can and must do".
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Once reform is sure, inquiry-RL2 commences, formally and informally, and possible policies and ideas-CG4 are floated and developed. Public consultation takes place. Consequences and scenarios of likely official decisions are pictured and publicized. As hard realities become increasingly evident, individuals and groups see a need for mobilization-CG3 so as to organize and contribute to the evolution of thinking according to their values and interests.
Although authority stems from a group and any benefit accrues to its members, the thought and effort depends on specific individuals either within groups as members of a crowd.
G3-Mobilization ↔ Political Work-G2
CG3 ↔ CG2: The inter-level link here is personal conduct i.e. “this is how I must handle myself".
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Successful mobilization-CG3 can only emerge from a foundation of political work-CG2. Experience and expertise enable efficient organization. Organization is essential to make action-RL1 effective despite uncertainty and buffeting. The various forms of mobilization make their own distinct demands, in which a person’s character, rather than capability, becomes the issue.
Stress flows from urgency, receiving criticism, being pressured by other political players, interaction with the media and contact with the general public. Participating in any project involves cooperating with co-workers, and collaborating with external consultants and legal advisors.
G2-Political Work ↔ Social Responsibility-G1
CG2 ↔ CG1: This inter-level link requires personal involvement i.e. “this is where I want to put my political energies".
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Taking on political work-CG2, i.e. becoming a player in society’s great game of power, emerges from the elemental requirement for social responsiblity-CG1 from all. It only occurs because a particular person actually wants to become involved. This is where capability comes into play: a capability that is founded upon communication-RL5 and the use of language to be able to make sense of society, foresee and explain events, and persuade people. The more a person's political ability aligns with their social commitment, the more effective and genuine the political work.
It is easy to stay within the world of politics (i.e. at CG1) without being a player (i.e. at CG2 and above). But if politics is what you were born for, then you will surely give of your best. As we all must.
See the system summarized in a Table
G7 ↑↓ G6 |
↑ ↓
Political Will
Citizenry Awareness
Everyone knows that some-thing must be done, whether or not they agree on what. |
G6 ↑↓ G5 |
Political Will
↑ ↓
Authorization Arrangements
Public Mandate
Popular permission for an as-yet-undefined change to be introduced. |
G5 ↑↓ G4 |
Authorization Arrangements
↑ ↓
Resolution of Differences
Societal Shaping
These are the sorts of measures that will be introduced. |
G4 ↑↓ G3 |
Resolution of Differences
↑ ↓
Popular Contribution
This is what together we can and must do. |
G3 ↑↓ G2 |
↑ ↓
Political Work
Personal Conduct
This is how I must handle myself. |
G2 ↑↓ G1 |
Political Work
↑ ↓
Social Responsibility
Personal Involvement
This is where I want to put my energies. |
- The next step is to ask of any specific political act: does it unite or divide society? That question provides the essential dynamic in political life.
Originally posted: August-2009; Last updated: 15-Oct-2023.