Using a TET to Compare Methods
Typologies within THEE contain ways of acting with commitment. The types can be plotted on a 2x2 Table, called a Typology-Essences Table (= TET).
The resulting TET layout reveals features of practical importance that would otherwise be difficult to notice. So construction of a TET is necessary in any serious inquiry.
Each TET requires names for its axes. These names define the executing duality (eD) of the THEE-Type (= Approach = Mentality = System).

■ One executing dimension relates to the essence of the desired output (or outcome/effect/result) when using any approach.
By convention, it is the X-axis. The X-axis is always outer, social, environmental, situational or objective: i.e. the X-axis is the «-social» aspect of psycho-social reality.
■ The other executing dimension relates to a focus on the essential personal means used to produce the relevant output.
By convention, it is the Y-axis. The Y-axis can be categorized variously as inner, personal, mental, psychological or subjective. i.e. the Y-axis is the «psycho-»(logical) aspect of psycho-social reality.
Once we have the correct formulations of the approaches in the Typology and have identified the appropriate executing duality, then each of the 7 approaches can be assessed and compared as: «very high» or «moderate» — covering the higher part of each axis; or «low» or «very low» — covering the lower part of each axis.
The crucial inquiry challenge is to name the TET axes validly and sufficiently precisely for the domain being investigated.
- With this explanation of a TET in mind, continue now to define the psychosocial field.
Originally posted: 18-Apr-2011; Last updated 4-Sep-2016.