Zones in the TET
Degrees of Relating and Contributing
Relating: Y-Axis
Given the importance of handling people in organizations, especially at the present time when creativity and commitment have become so vital, it is useful to divide up the Y-axis into zones indicating the quality of relating.
In the
decision-making is impersonal.
In the
decision-making is instrumental in its focus on individuals.

In the
decision-making is social and attention is given to groups.
In the
decision-making is personal and the ethical dimension is relevant.
Contributing: X-Axis
We can do something very similar for the X-axis. Again it is impossible for any approach to have no orientation to the need for outputs. However, in the lowest zone, that orientation can be rather indirect.
In the
decision-making provides assistance for outputs generated via other decision methods.
In the
decision-making provides for the efficient production of outputs.
Decision-making in the
decision-making enables achievement of desired outputs.
Decision-making in the transformation of the organization and its outputs.
zone , decision-making enables
Forms of Effectiveness
The TET was initially plotted in terms of the more extreme approaches and the rest. It is possible to draw two concentric circles to emphasize this phenomenon.

The inner circle traces out different ways of getting control over actions:
—by making something happen.
—by making someone responsible for doing something.
—by forging a compromise that persuades groups to do something.
—by aligning doing things with the values and goals shared by all.
The outer circle traces out different ways of increasing effectiveness of activities:
—by providing the factual basis for taking action.
—by enabling people to find their actions meaningful and so commit themselves.
—by harnessing actions to evolutionary and interactional forces.

There is a 4-level modal hierarchy emerging here. It is examined in detail in another section. At this point, note that the external circle is not just about different forms of , it also defines different styles of .
deals with facts and figures retrieved from objective reality (empirical reality). Results provide a degree of conviction and energy for actions.
deals with feelings and aspirations retrieved from inner reality (psychic reality). Results provide a degree of enthusiasm and commitment for actions.
deals with evolving identities and structures of interaction retrieved from deep reality (underlying reality). Results add a flow-based dynamic to actions.
Next steps
- Explore antagonisms and affinities amongst the decision methods.
- Then discover the all-important approach duality.
- Then use that duality to link decision-making to leadership.
Originally posted: 21-Apr-2011