Systemicist Culture-Change
Many initiatives have to be pursued simultaneously and opportunistically for this culture change to get established. The project is
in nature. The aim on this webpage is to give an idea of the variety and complexity of any effort to change a culture. It is most definitely not a task that can be «done» (i.e. pragmatic) or a project that can be «implemented» (i.e. structuralist or rationalist).The Strategy
● Gain top level commitment…
● Mobilize the organization…
● Create champions…
● Empower staff…
● Install the new identity…
● Overcome obstacles…
● Improve internal communications…
● Re-standardize training…
● Re-vamp specialist staff functions…
● Develop policies and programs...
mode values.
● Maintain consistency…
● Be expedient and opportunistic…
Why is It so Difficult for Us?
Even if we are certain to benefit personally from the proposed values, we typically find them difficult, almost impossible, to assimilate. The reason is that we naturally view any new value system (and also activities to install it) through the prism of our established values.
As a result, we:
● subtly misunderstand what is being attempted
● perceive the values in a degenerate form
● feel disconcerted and awkward in using them
● cannot envisage success, and
● unconsciously act to confirm the uselessness of the new values.

The external facilitator must help people through this very personal learning process and get a reinforcing virtuous circle going.
Facilitators should positively avoid injecting too much enthusiasm, and even verge on dampening it through explaining the time-scale and the difficulties.
Managers themselves must supply the bulk of the enthusiasm and talking. Action facilitation is a holding hands process with detailed explanations of the difference between doing it the old way and doing it the new way.
permit a logical (rather than chaotic) opportunism.
- See how this represents a watershed in development.
Originally posted: 17-Jun-2011