Installing Imaginist Values
The leadership must validate and promote values of the
as critical to the success of the organization. (Of course, as with information use in the , sensitivity and creativity do not need to wait for this stage.)If leaders do not believe and understand what is involved, nothing will happen. Boards that maintain bizarre conceptions of creativity as being about wearing sandals, growing facial hair, or being vegetarian,ion. can easily get re-affirmed in their cynicism of «touchy-feely» nonsense.

Extremes of personal insensitivity are the greatest danger in earlier stages. It is ridiculous even to mention
while control of activities is chaotic, coercive or convention-bound.Many managers cultivate hardness, fear emotions and are out of touch with their own experiences. Those who are strongly power-centred will have a sense of self that is diffuse or weak because it seeks direction from surrounding power-sources.
However, the ad hoc use of creative techniques for innovation and sporadic efforts to adapt to individuals should emerge strongly with the
should also have abolished the worst excesses of managerial brutality, and removed the more sociopathic staff. It will have clarified and supported informal networks of trust, support and advice as part of improving participation and communication.A major effort must go into linking the individual and the organization in regard to potentials and opportunities. Personal aspirations must empower the organizational vision and vice versa: each member of staff being aware of both. If this can be achieved, personal commitment to the corporation and its strategy will build naturally.
When the group energy and release group synergy. People will really enjoy their work.
of individuals gel, they produce aInquiry and learning are necessary to achieve this: people must voluntarily look into themselves and engage in dialogue with colleagues. The skills of effective relating and the use of creativity techniques must be practised both individually and within teams.
Values of the
can also degenerate.- Focus there to prepare yourself for the one last difficult transition: to the .
Originally posted: 17-Jun-2011