Riding Social Forces: CL7
It is always easier to achieve something when we are riding a social wave — whether the wave is social or technological, a fad or a genuinely new way of working. Actually, ignoring such forces is virtually impossible. While co-evolution with society is not optional, embracing social forces deliberately is another matter.
to gain synergies with social forces is the essence of choice at this level. When an organization finds synergies, it also alters wider society to some degree.

Systems: An organization is both a complex dynamic system and is itself a part of a much larger and more complex dynamic system. This is because any organization is a human system. It is made up of interactions amongst people in many roles, disciplines and departments. The organization also functions within its industry, its society and, directly or indirectly, internationally.
Change: The task is to see change approaching, to see change happening, to foresee emerging needs and other implications, and to make actual change easier. This requires a systemic perspective.
In the end, an organization benefits by adapting creatively to forces inside and outside it, or it flounders. It learns from its interactions or it loses its lead to others that do learn.
«Individual v Organization» Tension
organizational because the organization is changing in the light of psychosocial forces sweeping society. is individual because no changes in any organization occur unless staff participate and alter their views, roles, skills, expectations &c. at work.
isSo the «individual v organization duality» is fused here, and there can be just one balanced Centre.
- The connections between this Centre and the others are examined in detail here.
Originally posted: 17-Sep-2011