Why Leadership is so Hard
This structure is about
. So the emphasis here is on the production of —something that is intrinsically difficult.
Producing change first requires a model of the current situation that also helps to represent the new situation following progress. THEE contains a typology of approaches to modeling social situations i.e. . These correspond to a set of 7 identity types that appear to correspond to distinctive .These styles are, as usual, distinctive and fundamentally incompatible.
For effective control of the group and member activities, the leader should have a mastery of the situation and be able to handle people well. This style currently has the THEE-name:
Not everyone in a leadership position is
; and those who are may go unrecognized and neglected, or even get humiliated and crushed by arrogant dominating superiors.The 6 other
in will work more or less well or perhaps not at all—depending on cultural factors, the nature of the situation and the change required.Originally posted: 20-Oct-2011