Integrate Yourself

The employee dynamic is about whether you seek to serve yourself or your organization. When applied to the 7 groupings/levels of organizational requirements, 4 show a natural fusion of the polar opposites. The remaining 3 generate two distinct polarized Centres.

For your own good, you must prevent the three self-oriented Centres from having a disorienting or even disintegrating effect at work. Success here shows up as the correct attitude to loyalty (CG6), a proper social involvement (CG5) and ensures you put in a creditable performance (CG3).

CG6: Adjust to Developments

The employee requirement to make adjustments to the organization is split into:
accepting instruction-CG6O from management, and
setting an example-CG6S for others in the organization.

The function and name of the CG6S CG6O Channel is: Loyalty.


CG5: Create a Presence

The employee requirement to offer flexibility can only occur safely and intelligently by being present. This manifests as:
joining in activities-CG5O and
paying attention-CG5S.

The function and name of the CG5S CG5O Channel is: Involvement


CG3: Be Resourceful

The employee requirement to deliver results by being resourceful is split into:
using your personal abilities-CG3O and
thinking creatively-CG3S.

The function and name of the CG3O CG3S Channel is: Performance.



Originally posted: 30-Nov-2011