Practical Issues in Organising Functions
Large organizations need to handle a multiplicity of Levels—but no more. While the needed activities are usually fairly obvious, there are usually issues in defining and designing to ensure each is effectively managed. So investigation is required.
without inappropriate simplification. Ideally, every should be managed by roles in fourThe structuring of a g4.
will depend upon pressures like the number of staff necessarily employed, centrality and complexity of the , and aspirations for the like the degree of development or innovation desired. The highest level within any determines the influence that can be exerted within the organization. So maximum influence occurs with a role atIf Levels are ignored, then the competence and contribution of the can be expected to decline due to poor recruitment and falling behind the times. There are usually also morale problems because staff are liable to feel a lack of respect, disconnection or inadequate support.
in higherStructures
The higher Levels in the must be able to appreciate all its issues and be in touch with disciplinary developments in the wider world, otherwise the g4 work will not get done. Phoney accountability arrangements occur when someone from outside the (perhaps not even conversant with it) is put in charge. The results will inevitably be unsatisfactory.Example: Paramedical Professionals
As in the above example, it is often possible to merge higher level duties for similar functions. This is particularly common and appropriate with Example: Hotel Services
Some disciplines or departments that superficially seem to be simple unified functions are actually combinations of Examples
Managers at the same level of work may be in
within different . This is especially noticeable at , which is common to all . The generate different outlooks on organizational work that can lead to clashes if not appreciated.Cf. Limits of Jaquesian Doctrine.
There is a common distrust of functional management because it usually divides up the organization in ways that do not directly align with the mission or client/customer needs. Silos and mini-empires are additional dangers. However, integration of efforts across Pentads that follow and by attention to the management culture: and not by weakening or devaluing competence.
should be addressed by theKeeping the focus on
, the myth that there must be a unity of command, beloved of power-centric bosses, is untenable where there are specialized activities. Competence depends on expertise and organizations depend on competent professionals: but how to harmonize their inputs?Harmonization can be primarily ensured via sensible dual influence authority relations: e.g. the immediate priorities and task performance of a specialist subordinate can be under the control of the general manager or a coordinator, while technical methods and appraisal of competence remain a matter for the specialist superior.
There are other mechanisms that ensure smooth progress, especially coordination. So coordinators often lead cross-functional teams in handling complex projects; and coordinating authority may be assigned to one manager in a specific facility. Multi-disciplinary teams, with the lead profession providing coordination, are commonly used to integrate contributions in case-handling e.g. within health care and social care.
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involves anything new, it is necessary to ensure access to the required expertise. Such expertise must be standardized and developed within that are fully integrated into the organization.However,
delivers results, not success; and only provide for competence, not organizational effectiveness and success. The criterion to be used here is . Achievements must be channeled and organised via that meet the of those in general management who are responsible for the mission.- combining levels in fives (i.e. ). can be effectively determined by
Originally posted: 19-Mar-2014