The ways to work on institutions have been plotted on the TET and reveal the usual pattern of diagonals. Inspection suggests these diagonal sets have complementary functions of activation and constraint, similar to that found in plotting managing methods within .
Activating Diagonal: The set on the diagonal that stretches from bottom left to upper right appears to be about activating members of society. The methods stimulate thought and bring pressure to bear but not always in the same way for everyone. The direction of that activation will be a function of vested interests.
Constraining Diagonal: The set on the diagonal that stretches from bottom right to upper left appears to be about constraining members of society. The methods demand attention and require effort. This potentially interferes with the automatic application of a member's personal preferences, biases and interests.
Activating Set
Ascending the diagonal from LL to UR, it seems that activation methods increasing unify in regard to getting the public to share a view of the institution.
activated, such numbers are easily challenged or confronted with alternative statistics. So statistics taken on their own only minimally unify people.
are indicators of performance chosen specifically to jolt the public. However, while the public will be
activatingbecause they bring attention to a particular defect in institutional provision that flouts social values. Discussions help ensure that the failing cannot be denied even if envisaged remedies may be impractical or even counter-productive. The idea that things can be arranged to work better serves tounify the public to a greater degree than just stating a , but the effect is limited.
areactivate political actors and shape policy choices. Their capacity to unify is greater because narratives have a wider coverage, simplify complex issues and incorporate popular aspirations and concerns. Both activation and unification are enhanced by the high status of those who present narratives.
are specifically constructed toactivate the public by challenging the secrecy of powerful interests including governments. Demands for transparency possess the most powerful unifying quality in that all but the wicked naturally rally behind it.
demandsConstraining Set
Ascending the diagonal from LR to UL, it seems that constraining methods lead to increasing exposure of the persons or social bodies involved, including their ideas and biases.
constraint for everything to do with institutions. However, exposure is limited. Little attention is given to each persons as they looking after their own needs and those of their family. Government departments and firms with a vested interest usually seek to hide their presence and motivations. Affirmation of the public interest is minimally exposing for the person and the content is unproblematic.More

constrain knee-jerk remedies and vested interest propaganda. While these investigators may have biasses, their analytic evidence-based accounts of harmful policies and activities seek to expose unflattering neglect or harmful practices in business sectors or government agencies, sometimes naming individuals responsible. The investigators are themselves exposed and are commonly the object of dirty tricks campaigns in which they are smeared and unfairly discredited.
are developed toExamples:
Ralph Nader's exposé of failings of the car industry.
Rachel Carson exposé of the harms caused by agricultural chemicals.
Both were vilified and hounded by the industries they analysed and exposed.
constrains these vested interests, preventing outlandish or dishonest claims. Interviews and panels in public fora generate significant public exposure. The background and possible motivations of representatives may also be subject to further journalistic inquiry to reveal conflicts of interest or other hidden biases.
determine how particular factional camps view an issue, and themFinally,
- Consider how approaches can be combined.
- Additional reflections on the oversight of institutions.
- Go back to Review
- Continue to the Spiral framework that shows how pressure builds for evolutionary development.
- Jump ahead to the Tree of Consent
Originally posted: 9-Nov-2022. Latest update: 30-Jun-2023.