
This framework is far more widely applicable than just to «my endeavour». TOP's current priority is to explore other parts of the Root system of Frameworks . Here are some immediate thoughts about this Framework. You are cordially invited to contribute your own.

Tree paths revealing Entrepreneurial pitch versus Bureaucratic hitch.

  • What you should always look for in yourself (and in others to whom you attach yourself) is not simply identification with their endeavour, but rather
    Closedthe full kitemark of commitment:

Kitemark of Commitment.

  • You will often find there are two sides to every story. Why is that investment bank's «offering prospectus» so impenetrable, while the investment banker's presentation is so persuasive? It's because he activates
    Closedthe butterfly of bafflement:

Butterfly of Bafflement

  • Many people want to keep their work separate from their inner life. Some, for example, act as «management guns for hire»: and that allows them to lop off most of the transcendental realm.
    ClosedSee the picture.

Focus of any Management Gun for Hire

  • Consultants are often called in when the manager responsible is weak or lacks experience. Perhaps, making some adjustments to Centre labeling,
    Closedthe situation looks like this:

Lozenge of Consultant Delight

Originally posted : 24-Aug-2011.