The Pendulum of Precision
A core feature of any communicative event is its degree of clarity and precision. In examining the elements of communication, it seems that the degree of precision swings between being:
► indefinite & ambiguous
► definite & unambiguous.
All THEEhierarchies show an oscillating duality in which the odd Levels and even Levels take up polar opposite positions on some essential aspect of the phenomenon. This oscillation ensures that the Levels exhibit sharp disjunctions and do not merge diffusely into each other.
Let us examine this oscillation Level by Level, starting from the base.
Stimuli-L1 are naturally indefinite and ambiguous.
In any communicative event, there are numerous stimuli: verbal and non-verbal, direct and contextual. So it is never clear which stimuli are to be included and which excluded. In addition, stimuli do not have precise intensities, and their impacts are perceived variably, depending on previous stimuli, adaptation, expectations and distractions.
Signals-L2 are naturally definite and unambiguous.
Signals are deliberately and carefully designed to transmit a specific unambiguous message content. If conditions happen to render an actual signal vague or indefinite, the so-called «signal» would cease to be a signal-L2 in practice. There would be no communicative event, and if one was desired, then the signal would need to be changed by agreement to become more definite in that situation.
Signs-L3 are naturally indefinite and ambiguous.
In any single communicative event, the significance of any sign is variable and diverse. Recipients perceive, interpret, and appreciate the significance on the basis of their familiarity with the situation, or via a particular personal perspectives or using a more complex frame of reference (body of knowledge). This indefinite nature allows signs to function effectively in varying contexts.
Symbols-L4 are naturally definite and unambiguous.
For a communicative event, the potential polyvalence of symbolization is tamed by making symbols as conventional and unambiguous as possible. There is no room for mystery. But what happens if mystery creeps in?
See below.
Terms-L5 are naturally indefinite and ambiguous.
Terms are inherently slippery due to the way they activate personal associations. In our minds, they become almost identical to whatever is referred to, but that turns out to be different for different people. There are also effects of linguistic and social context that alter the meaning-reference of terms; and variation in usage also occurs over time.
Meanings-L6 are naturally definite and unambiguous.
Meaning is developed so as to accord as closely as possible to our intentions. The recipient also seeks to extract definite meaning, even if it is judged to be disguised, deceptive or dishonest. It is possible, however, to be definite about communicating an ambiguous meaning e.g. double entendres.
Openness-L7 is naturally indefinite and ambiguous.
Openness plays with possibilities, gradations of significance, ambiguities and paradoxes. It cannot be tied down.
Practical Use: You can change the quality of a communication by shifting from one Level to another e.g. people often prefer to give a subtle indication-L3 rather than a blunt signal-L2 out of politeness.
Significance of «Naturally»
Is it possible to force an element that is "naturally" «ambiguous» to become «unambiguous»? Is it possible to take an event that is "naturally" «definite» and render it «indefinite»? If something is other than its nature, then it is surely not quite itself anymore.
Let's explore.
Proposition: If you make a deliberate effort to alter the natural quality of the element (or if circumstances conspire to that end), then the result will be a shift away from communication as the primary focus of the social interaction.
Let us examine this with examples, remembering that no judgement is being made as to whether or not such a shift of focus should be applied. (That would be a matter for the person making the effort.)
Stimuli-L1 are naturally indefinite and ambiguous.
However, if you give attention to the generation of a stimulus so as to force it to be unequivocal and definite, then you seem to be primarily taking Action-PH1.
At a party you wave to someone who vaguely notices but does not seem to recognize you or perhaps does not realize you mean him, and fails to respond. So you start waving more vigorously, point to yourself and mouth your name. That makes your stimuli definite and involves bodily movement: movement is L1 in Action-RL1/PH1.
Signals-L2 are naturally definite and unambiguous.
It is obvious from its intention that a signal-L2 cannot be indefinite. As a result, an indefinite signal-event ceases to be communicative at all, and becomes a meaningless stimulus generating a sensory Experience-PH4.
In a recent film, a person agreed to meet at a station and the signal to get recognized was an opened red umbrella. However, on arrival the station was full of people with open red umbrellas. In that situation, there could be no «red umbrella» signal: instead there was a sensation of umbrellas+redness. Sensation is L1 in Experience RL4/PH4.
Signs-L3 are naturally indefinite and ambiguous.
If you make a sign so explicit that it's significance is definite and unambiguous, you will be giving many ancillary details that inevitably make it part of something that you want it to be. You are therefore bringing your Purposes-PH6 to the fore.
A girl's smile may be a sign that suggests friendliness to an unknown man next to her at the bus stop. If, in addition to the smile, the girl asks for some advice, looks him again in the eye and then finds two seats together in the bus, then that initial sign is now revealed as a purposeful tactic. Tactics are L1 in Purpose RL6/PH6.
Symbols-L4 are naturally definite and unambiguous.
If you make a symbol mysterious and render its associations uncertain, then you are asking of a lot of the recipient. You are probably also asking a lot of yourself. The key state here for both parties would be Willingness-PH7 to persevere in the communicative interaction.
The poetic use of symbols is illustrative of such uncertainty: a person has to be willing to write such poetry (not many are) and others have to be willing to read or listen and try to grasp it. Let's be more concrete: a just-married couple in a white car with white ribbons wear black hats and wave black flags. Why would they do that? They would have had to be willing to create such a scene. You could try to discover their line of thought if you were willing. Trying is L1 in Willingness RH7/PH7.
Also see: Symbols in Psychoanalysis.
Terms-L5 are naturally indefinite and ambiguous.
However, you can make a term definite through tying it to data identified via a fixed definition. In doing that, the term determines what is observed which is part of Inquiry-PH2, in which communication is an important but subsidiary process.
The term «buffer» has many references and usages. However, chemistry ties the term down by defining it as a ionic solution that stabilizes pH (acidity/alkalinity). Inquiries then involve data collection so as to identify suitable buffers and buffering properties. Data is L1 in Inquiry RH2/PH2.
Meanings-L6 are naturally definite and unambiguous.
Why can't a meaning be ambiguous? It is certainly possible to mean «ambiguity», and be precise in making this the essence of the communicative event. However, if the meaning is intrinsically indefinite/ambiguous, either the sender or the recipient will not know what to make of it. The result is to be jolted out of everyday expectations which forces a new perspective. So Change-PH3 is the result.
A married couple come to a therapist for help with their constant arguments. The therapist instructs them to argue forcefully 3 times a day for at least 45 minutes each time and for a full hour before bedtime. This instruction makes the meaning of argument ambiguous: is it the problem? or is it the solution? The couple get disoriented and vary their argumentative behaviour, which is the goal and common result of such a paradoxical injunction. Variation is L1 in Change RL3/PH3.
Openness-L7 is naturally indefinite and ambiguous.
If it were to become definite, then it would no longer be the usual openness but would be some specific form of receptivity or expressivity i.e. it would still remain within Communication-PH5.
Psychotherapists attune to clients with a free-floating attention and offer them a partial definite openness in the sessions. The result is that the patient is stimulated to work on themselves, to provide relevant thoughts, feelings and associations, and inevitably transfers past relationships on to the therapist. Stimulus is L1 in Communication RL5/PH5.
See the above in a Table
Be Open
Indefinite & Ambiguous |
Turns into Stimuli-L1: COMMUNICATION-PH5. |
Definite & Unambiguous |
Turns into: Variation-L1: CHANGE-PH3 |
5 |
Indefinite & Ambiguous |
Turns into Data-L1: INQUIRY-PH2 |
Definite & Unambiguous |
Turns into Trying-L1 : WILLINGNESS-PH7 |
Indefinite & Ambiguous |
Turns into Tactic-L1: PURPOSE-PH6 |
Definite & Unambiguous |
Turns into Sensation-L1: EXPERIENCE-PH4 |
Indefinite & Ambiguous |
Turns into Voluntary motion-L1: ACTION-PH1
This reversal of the oscillating duality through the use of force has been investigated and further clarified in the Architecture Room.
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Originally posted 27-May-2011; Last updated 17-May-2013.