Delivering Results
Management is the Resource
Management delivers the results. Large numbers of people do not somehow magically cooperate and overcome obstacles and distractions to produce results desired by an organization. It is the availability, quality and use of management, i.e. the management resource, that makes all the difference.
Management is no different from any other resource in the sense that it is scarce. It is, however, far more significant than any other resource in that it is the resource by which the organization:
► obtains all other resources, including employees
► deploys all resources, including itself
► delivers results
So management has a primary obligation to provide the management resource i.e. allocate suitable staff to management positions and then deploy this resource. More specifically, management must ensure that all work requiring determined, skilled management gets it. This deployment of staff to management work is provided for by a third adjacent means of achievement. The quality of being «acceptable» is provided by the third (i.e. top) level in each Triad.
Deployment of Management by Management
Deployments of this scarce ultra-valuable resource must be carried out with care. There seem to be 5 vital allocations that invariably need consideration, as shown in the diagram and explained below.
Establish Procedures: CG31
Function: To ensure an appropriate sequence of actions is followed without fail in specific situations.
Why Allocate Management: These procedures are either for events that infrequently, or even rarely, happen but would cause great harm; or for events that are so common that even small efficiencies generate substantial gains.
Steer Implementation: CG32
Function: To progressively introduce changes in line with agreed intentions and emerging priorities.
Why Allocate Management: Projects easily get knocked off course, and it is never evident in advance how, or what, should be the response. Despite much uncertainty, judgements must be made (on behalf of the organization) as to appropriate adjustments and their cost-benefit implications.
(Re-)Design Systems: CG33
Function: To specify how relevant staff and technologies should interact to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of work-activities.
Why Allocate Management: Essential work-activity systems ramify in organizations and invite mishandling to fit personal preferences and local expedience. Management is therefore essential, to overcome these distortions and keep focused on the purpose of the system for the organization.
Stimulate Innovation: CG34
Function: To keep abreast or ahead of likely obsolescence or being overtaken by competitors.
Why Allocate Management: It is rarely natural for staff to want to make their activities, current services &/or products obsolete. And only some are willing to be preoccupied with competitors' behaviour and changing social preferences. Management must therefore become actively involved.
Develop People & Roles: CG35
Function: To enable existing and new staff members to release their emerging potential by filling posts and roles as these evolve.
Why Allocate Management: The change to employees, the work, and necessary work roles over time is difficult to perceive, yet vital to the strength of the organization. Employees and their capabilities are the crucial resource for the organization and for management. Handling employees and the work is what management is about; and so management resource must be allocated to this work.
Implications for Employees
Your work efforts(CG1) combined with the exercise of authority (CG2) are expected to produce desired outcomes. The mediating factor is the application of your capability, experience, skills and knowledge—your resourcefulness. If you have the required capability you will certainly be expected to take on a management role i.e. become part of the management resource. As part of management, your resourcefulness will be in great demand. You might benefit from
engaging from time to time with these THEE frameworks about decision and achievement.
So, in terms of obligations, you are an employee and quite possibly a manager as well. You must strive to channel your resourcefulness so as to benefit your employer
e.g. by focusing your roles and duties on: ►
● increasing value to clients
● improving efficiency
● generating unexpected profits
● reducing waste
● providing outputs in a timely way
● ensuring quality standards are met
● providing useful feedback and ideas
For You: The pressure to deliver results gives you an opportunity to demonstrate and recognize the extent and limitations of your vision, inventiveness, social skills, imagination and other capabilities.
For Management: The requirement to deliver results is a reminder that the firm is always behind the curve. Is there sufficient management resource to ensure the continuous, effective application of resources, especially staff, to work?
► Now consider use of the management resource in more detail.
Originally posted: 20-Oct-2011