Reversal of Oscillation in Communication-PH5

The oscillation here seems to be about quality of precision in the communication. Does use of the communicative element produce something that is clear and definite? Or is the element inevitably vague and ambiguous?

This polarization is captured here as:
ambiguous (ODD) v definite (EVEN).


Stimuli-L1 are naturally indefinite and ambiguous. In any communicative event, there are numerous stimuli: verbal and non-verbal, direct and contextual. So it is never clear which stimuli are to be included and which excluded. In addition, stimuli do not have precise intensities, and their impacts are perceived variably, depending on previous stimuli, adaptation, expectations and distractions.

However: If you generate a stimulus so as to make it unequivocal and definite, then you are taking action and will be perceived in that way.


ConversionStimuli that are made definite are bodily movements-L1 and lie in the realm of Action-PH1.


Signals-L2 are naturally definite and unambiguous because they are deliberately designed in advance to transmit specific message content.

However: If conditions render an actual signal ambiguous or vague, or perhaps there is mal-intent, then the agreed message vanishes. The pre-agreed «signal» would turn into non-communicative stimuli generating some sort of sensory experience.


ConversionSignals that are rendered ambiguous become sensations-L1 in the realm of Experience-PH4.


Signs-L3 are naturally ambiguous, because significance is inherently variable and diverse. Recipients perceive, interpret, and appreciate significance on the basis of their familiarity with the situation, or via a particular personal perspectives or using a more complex frame of reference (body of knowledge). This indefinite nature allows signs to function effectively in varying contexts.

However: If you make a sign so explicit that it's significance is definite and unequivocal, you will give many ancillary details. These details reveal to another that you have some purpose in mind, but do not indicate what outcome you are desiring.


ConversionSigns that are made definite are tactical objectives-L1 which come from the realm of Purpose-PH6.


Symbols-L4 are naturally definite because clarity demands a conventional use of symbols. Even though symbols are potentially polyvalent, there is no room for mystery.

However: It is possible to make a symbol ambiguous and render its associations uncertain. This takes some effort. There must be willingness by both the sender who tries to indicate something new, and the recipient who tries to grasp the surprising use of the symbol.


ConversionSymbols that are made ambiguous generate trying-L1, which is in the realm of Willingness-PH7.


Terms-L5 (or names) are naturally ambiguous, because they activate personal associations in a variable way. In our minds, the term becomes almost identical to whatever is referred to, but that turns out to be different for different people. There are also effects of linguistic and social context that alter the meaning-reference of terms; and variation in usage also occurs over time. Terms are slippery.

However: You can make a termdefinite through providing a definition and insisting on its use throughout a communication and this seems essential if you are conducting an inquiry. In an inquiry, the terms used are what is observed. Communication is subsidiary to inquiry and is viewed as a means.


ConversionTerms that are made definite allow for collection of data-L1 which is an element of Inquiry-PH2.


Meanings-L6 are naturally definite, because they are developed so as to accord closely with the sender's intention. The recipient also seeks to extract definite meaning, even if it is judged to be disguised, deceptive or dishonest. Of course, the definite extracted meaning need not be identical to the definite intended meaning. It is possible to be definite about communicating an ambiguous meaning e.g. double entendres have this effect.

However: If the meaning is intrinsically ambiguous, then no one will know what to make of it. The result is to be jolted out of everyday expectations and that forces some change in the communicative relationship.


ConversionMeaning that is ambiguous leads to variation-L1 as found in the realm of Change-PH3.


Openness-L7 is naturally indefinite and ambiguous, because it plays with possibilities, gradations of significance, inner experiences and paradoxes. Openness resists being tied down. It's effects are unknown.

However: By making your opennessdefinite, the communicative relationship alters. You state serves as a stimulus to the other. The effect may be to scare them away, or to produce a complementary openness relevant to the context.


ConversionOpenness that is definite remains within the realm of Communication-PH5 by becoming a stimulus-L1.

Summary of the Results of Forcing a Reversal

L Name Oscillation Conversion on Forcible Reversal
New Element Primary Hierarchy
7 Openness Ambiguous stimulus-L1 in PH5-Communication
6 Meaning Definite variation-L1 in PH3-Change
5 Term Ambiguous observation-L1 in PH2-Inquiry
4 Symbol Definite trying-L1 in PH7-Willingness
3 Sign Ambiguous tactical objective-L1 in PH6-Purpose
2 Signal Definite sensation-L1 in PH4-Experience
1 Stimulus Ambiguous movement-L1 in PH1-Action

Originally posted: 2-May-2013