Comparison of Root Hierarchies
Endeavour-Proper v Renewal+Recovery
The 7 emergent frameworks deal with the special mental effort and re-orientation required by problematic situations. They deal with a way of functioning that is superimposed on ordinary endeavours-proper. The focus is on taking charge of yourself and modulating . This is the determining factor in feeling good about any endeavour-proper in the presence of:
• strong social opposition;
• deep-seated reluctance;
• self-destructive egotism;
• countervailing instinctive tendencies.
This topic shows how the frameworks for endeavour-proper and R+R differ.
Comparison of Formulae/Names
The endeavour. It is shown below on the left without names. The dynamic duality is Autonomy (A) v Constraint (C) (which is a specialised formulation of the more general Personal (P) v Social (S). Because this is equivalent to Yourself (Y) v Situation (S), the subscripts have been altered to ease comparison.
has been developed as part of the understanding of ordinaryThe «discovered (and then developed further) is shown below on the right, again without formal-names. The dynamic duality is Yourself (Y) v Situation (S) reversed. The diagram shows that the emergent Tree has the element in the KL7 position, the element in the KL6 position, and so on.
» as originallyStandard RH Tree | Re-Ordered RH Tree |
The diagrams are now shown below with formal names in Centres. In the Tree on the right, only simple
names are shown—the numbers are omitted to avoid confusion.Comparison of Channels
The full diagrams are shown below using the amended Centre names (as previously explained) in the « » on the right. The Channel names are those provisionally identified in studies to date.
The Channels are particularly noteworthy.
- Black channels are natural intra-level influences.
- are direct influences in harmony with the original e.g. and inter-connect in both, although in different ways.
- Orange channels are direct influences that are prohibited within the original as inappropriate or dysfunctional e.g. in the Tree on the left there is no direct link between and , or between and .
It is notable that the majority of the channels in the «emergent Tree» are contraindicated in the ( ), including all channels that bypass levels. Comparing names of channels in the two Trees shows marked differences.
The presence of so many contraindicated channels confirms that this forcing a reversal of the oscillating duality).
does not represent a true general pattern i.e. it cannot itself be used as a framework in practice with any element in the Centre. It is only operative in the 7 specific cases i.e. with specific elements of the same level from the (as discovered through- Return to an overview of the principles and analytic schema.
Continue to the schema used for exposition of the frameworks.
See a preview summary of the contents of the frameworks.
- Start with conversion of Tree of all PH-L1s. to a
Originally posted: 04-Jun-2013. Last updated: 30-Dec-2022