Life Challenges & Primal Needs
In studying the Root projection to the context for endeavour was examined and analysed. It includes Primal Needs and Primal Means for meeting those. Spontaneous pursuit of these goals define the human condition and the conjectured rationale for endeavours.
, theNow that these features have been identified, correspondence to the Life Challenges and the R+R response are noticeable.
Some links seem obvious:
Provide Useful Accounts meets the need for knowledge.
Work for Another meets the need for association.
Use Time Well meets the need for achievement.
Sustain Group Cohesion meets the need for governance.
Somewhat less obvious correspondences are:
Produce Achievement, which meets the need for individuality (and not achievement, because results are doubtful).
Handle Close Relationships, which meets the need for competence (perhaps because life's stresses obstacles must be handled together or this primal need may be incorrect).
The final correspondence then falls into place:
Maintain equilibrium meets the need for fitness, which is required for . This seems to be suitable given that the life challenge is about re-establishing continuity following severe destabilization.
Patterns and Psychosocial Pressures
The patterns that result are confusing possibly due to the preliminary nature of this investigation.
The correspondences are shown in the Matrix below and include details about the originating
, in case that is relevant.The Life Roles are shown because they sit well with the combination of the necessary psychosocial pressure and the Primal Need.
See further comments below.
Life Challenges | PH Centres R+R Response |
Necessary PsySoc Pressure | Relevant Primal Need | Your Life Role |
Originating PH
Primal Need PsySoc Press |
Maintain Equilibrium |
PH-L7s Allowing Self Recovery |
Selflessness [ ] |
Fitness [ ] |
You as a Character |
Fitness | -
Work for Another | PH-L6s Asserting Your Expectations |
Autonomy [ ] |
Association [ ] |
You as an Organiser | - |
Handle Close Relationships | PH-L5s Resolving Interpersonal Differences |
Understanding [ ] |
Competence [ ] |
You as a Partner | Individuality Well-being |
Sustain Group Cohesion | PH-L4s Reducing Intra-Group Conflict |
Well-being [ ] |
Governance [ ] |
You as a Diplomat |
Provide Useful Accounts | PH-L3s Bypassing Social Resistance |
Acceptability [ ] |
Knowledge [ ] |
You as a Messenger |
Competence Selflessness |
Produce Achievement | PH-L2s Refusing to Give Up |
Certainty [ ] |
Individuality [ ] |
You as a Leader | Achievement Performance |
Use Time Well | PH-L1s Overcoming Your Inertia |
Performance [ ] |
Achievement [ ] |
You as Everyman |
Association Understanding |
Initially posted: 30-Nov-2013. Last amended 25-Jan-2015.