A Solid Position : Tree of PH'2Q Arenas

As we found in the initial investigation of PH'5Q-Association Arenas, the 7 Arenas formed a Tree with Centres that are meaningfully arranged and appear to reflect a psychosocial reality. Mouse-over thumbnail to review the PH'5Q pattern.

The Q-conclusions sought via can provide the possibility for holding a . The Tree looks like this:
The Tree makes good sense.
Dynamic Duality
Polarization can be identified at the expected levels:
- change of oneself or about changing the environment . Inner change takes precedence and is often the precursor and facilitator of milieu change. : There is often a conflict between whether are to be about
- say to confidantes often confidentially, and what to state publicly are commonly at odds. Public pronouncements dominate the group's shared reality. : about what to
- : Reaching about personal values may well differ from what is accepted as a communal need . Communal needs are more powerful requirements then new personal values.
In all three polarized levels, there is a bi-directional influence between the two Centres with the usual pattern of dominance at each level.
The remaining Centres
appear to be balanced.Q's and Levels
Everything explicit about knowing rests on
. Concern for the and then serve as the most general context for lower level conclusions that impact on people and situations. With knowing as a personal matter, it seems appropriate for to be positioned at the heart of knowing of all sorts. Such views affect choices about and what might be deemed significant. It is noticeable that a does not directly affect : other arenas need to intervene.There are likely important implications to be drawn from the channels that are not permitted, but this awaits deeper study.
Internal Duality
- The Centres and Channels in the L1-L4 Content section use knowing to handle a current problematic situation with the actualization pressures from the Tree levels reinforcing the primary Q-pressures.
- the Centres and Channels in the L5-L7 Context section use knowing to get positioned for the future in whatever is thought and done. with the transcendence pressures from the Tree levels reinforcing the primary Q-pressures
Taken together, this supports naming
:- Proceed to the Tree formed by PH'4Q-Individualizing Arenas
- A deeper look illuminates other relationships amongst the Arenas, and even suggests another possibility for a Tree: check it out here.
Originally posted: 30-Sep-2022