Naming Levels in Style Hierarchies

Starting Point: PH'5

Applying a 4-Level Style Hierarchy to Types converts the 7 Levels in the Principal Typology to the 28 Levels of the Q-expansion.

The starting point is PH'5, where the Style Hierarchy generating levels of work has been established and assumed for many years.

The 4 levels here are taken to be:

  • δDeveloping: relating and managing multiple systems
  • γSystematizing: developing a coherent system
  • βAppraising: accumulating, organising and appreciating impact
  • αAsserting: articulating and asserting specifics

For application to each of the Language Use Methods, go here.

We assume that all Style Hierarchies are broadly similar, but the above labels cannot be assumed to be general. They were discovered from observations of people employed within formal organisations-Q2. While the labels appear to fit other Arenas of Associating-PH'5Q, it is possible that different labeling will better suit in other Domains.

Getting the Style labeling correct will assist in formulating the 28 levels, which, in turn, is expected to be helpful in formulating Arena names and validating formulations of levels within the Q-structures.

Once useful labeling is complete for all 7 Domains, we can consider if a useful abstract formulation may be developed.

The way forward, therefore, is to look at Styles that are easily identified within selected methods of each Principal Typology. The order that follows keeps similar investigative approaches together: in the first two cases, the ordering of types is not given because the focus is on a particular Method, while in the second two cases it is because the focus is on a particular Q-Arena.

Continuing with PH'1

The Dialectic Method-L'4 within Decision Methods-PH'1 includes:

•mediating, •debating, •negotiating •arbitrating

In ordering these:

» arbitrating appears to be the most final and controlling, so it is placed as 4-δ

» mediating appears to enable articulating and asserting positions to reach a compromise, so it is placed as 4-α.

» negotiating appears to involve appreciating both sides so as to reach a compromise, so it is placed as 4-β.

» debating is the final item which then has to go as 4-γ. But systematizing does not seem to fit so well here.

Should negotiating and debating be switched? I don't think so because debating results if negotiating fails, and arbitration is then the natural resolution of debating.

Using more suitable terms, the PH'1 Style Hierarchy for L'4 can be formulated as follows:

  • δArbitrating which resolves dialectic decisions
  • γDebating which challenges dialectic decisions
  • βNegotiating which shapes dialectic decisions
  • αMediating which generates dialectic decisions

► For the application of this hierarchy to other PH'1 Methods, go here.

Continuing with PH'2

The Empirical Method-L'1 within Research Methods-PH'2 includes:

•data collectors, •statisticians •investigators, •meta-analysts

In ordering these:

» data collectors appear to be operating at the most basic level, 1-α; while meta-analysts appear to be operating at the highest level, 1-δ, given that they work to synthesize conclusions from numerous statistically analysed projects.

» statisticians work with data generated by investigators that employ data collectors.

It seems that the PH'2 Style Hierarchy for L'1 can be formulated with slightly different terms as follows:

  • δMeta-analysts anchor empirical research: by bringing all studies together and reviewing statistically.
  • γStatisticians evaluate empirical research: or "check" or "test" or "contest", or even "challenge" cf. PH'1.
  • βInvestigators organize empirical research: but we could say "shape" as for PH'1.
  • αData collectors ground: empirical research (or we could say "underpin" or "enable", or "generate" cf. PH'1, and when it comes to the facts or data they do "assert" cf. PH'5)

► For the application of this hierarchy to other PH'2 Methods, go here.

Continuing with PH'4

PH'4Q4 Friendship has been recently discovered, as explained here. There is less certainty, but plotting the TET reveals the ordering based on the Spiral. We therefore already know the order for 4 levels of the lower Type, conjectured to be within Emotional Being-L'3, and for the lower 3 levels of the upper Type, conjectured to be within Individual Being-L'4.

These Friendship levels are currently specified as follows.

  • Interpersonal Meshing
  • Loyal Compliance
  • Created Rituals


  • Meaningful Exchange
  • Appreciative Validation
  • Physical Closeness
  • Sympathetic Caring

The ordering being given, the task here is to assign Style Hierarchy descriptors that suit that ordering. As an aid, we can compare similarly numbered levels for all except δ.

  •   Caring and Rituals both appear to activate their stabilizing methods: or we could perhaps say "ground" cf. PH'2, or "generate" cf. PH'1.
  • Closeness and  Compliance both appear to constrain their stabilizing methods (cf. PH'6), the former because it can intensify or weaken attraction, and the latter because of the impairment to freedom of action.
  • Validation and  Meshing both appear to differentiate their stabilizing methods (cf. PH'6), the former because of openly comparing, and the latter perhaps because it makes demands.
  • Exchange appears to integrate emotional stabilization because mutuality calls for awareness of the context provided by individuality (cf. PH'6).

► For the application of this hierarchy to other PH'4 Methods, go here.

Continuing with PH'6

There is a well worked-out example: PH'6Q4-Prosperity : Interacting for Benefit. We therefore already know the order for 4 levels of L'4-Individualist Ethical Choice, and for the lower 3 levels of L'5-Communalist Ethical Choice.

Note: "-c" is short for "centred".

  • Reality-c
  • Perspective-c
  • Kinship-c


  • Community-c
  • Cause-c
  • Power-c
  • Market-c

As with PH'4, the ordering being given, the task is to assign Style Hierarchy descriptors, with the benefit of again having two examples of all except δ

  • Market-c and : Kinship-c both appear to sustain their ethical choice method: but we could say "assert" (cf. PH'5), or "ground" (cf. PH'2), or perhaps "activate" (cf. PH'4) but probably not "generate" (cf. PH'1).
  • Power-c and : Perspective-c both appear to constrain their ethical choice method: the former due to the interplay of brute force, the latter due to the requirement for a balanced understanding.
  • : Cause-c and : Reality-c both appear to contest or perhaps "challenge" (cf. PH'1) or "differentiate" their ethical choice method: the former due to focus or bias, the latter due to careful and deep discriminations.
  • Community-c appears to anchor or possibly integrate the individualist-L4 ethical choice method, because while it is not itself communalist-L'5, it recognizes that individual ethical choices are embedded in a communal context.

► For the application of this hierarchy to other PH'6 Methods, go here.


Similarities are evident. For now, it will be possible to use these labels as hints in discovering other Q-structures, and also to check these labels against those new Q-structures.

There is not enough knowledge to permit investigation of PH3Q and PH7Q structures at this time.

ClosedClick here for a summary of the above:

Elliot Jaques has proposed that the THEE Style Hierarchy, at least in regard to Levels of Work (PH'5Q), is a specification of the ways that information can be processed. His labels based on this idea are as follows

  • δ: Parallel processing
  • γ: Serial processing
  • β: Cumulation
  • α: Declaration

Having developed descriptors for the Style levels, we can:

Originally published: 24-Sep-2022