Arenas for Knowing : PH'2Q

The focus in this section is on the Architecture and finding names, not on specific frameworks enabling use of particular Arenas. So there will be minimal specifications or explanations of properties and applications. Some more information is available in the Taxonomy Notes.

Validating Levels of Informed Action

As explained at the outset, a framework for Informed Action was discovered before it was assigned to the PH'2 Q expansion in the Taxonomy.

The first task in recognizing other Knowing Arenas is to review the investigation of Styles and consider again how the levels of Informed Action, which were determined a long time ago, fit with the Style Hierarchy as determined recently. If there is a good fit, we can move confidently to use Styles as guides in investigation of other Q- Arenas and their frameworks.

ClosedL'1-EMPIRICAL Component

Q2-L1: Data

... is the name for facts, often counts, which refer directly to phenomena in the situation.
Confirmatory?ClosedYes: data α-ground knowing in empirical reality. They are α-assertions about the situation.

Q2-L2: Information

… is the name for facts which make a difference to what one thinks about the situation.
Confirmatory?ClosedYes: information β-organizes the raw data, β-cumulating and β-appraising data.

Q2-L3: Knowledge

… is the name for systematized facts which produce a sense of certainty about the situation.
Confirmatory?ClosedYes: knowledge γ-evaluates information and data and may γ-contest what is found. It represents a γ-systematization of information.


… are general rules to be used in a variety of related situations potentially including the one under consideration.
Confirmatory?ClosedYes: principles δ-anchor the significance of whatever is found.

ClosedL'2-ANALYTIC Component

Q2-L5: Understanding

… is an intuitive appreciation of what the situation is about in all relevant respects.
Confirmatory?ClosedYes: understanding α-grounds analyses, which are communicated as α-assertions about the situation.

Q2-L6: Explanation

… is a generalizable statement of relationships in a dimension of the situation using abstract concepts applicable across a specific universe
Confirmatory?ClosedYes: explanations β-organize analyses, β-cumulating and β-appraising understanding based on relevant knowledge and information.

Q2-L7: Good Sense (Nous, Metis, formerly Wisdom)

… is an awareness drawing on openness and inspiration that indicates what to do any situation in accord with its uniqueness and its generality.
Confirmatory?ClosedYes: wisdom γ-evaluates explanations and understandings and may γ-contest them. It reflects a γ-systematization of experience.

ClosedThe Value of Structural Corroboration

Further details of PH'2 Levels can be found here.

Identifying the other PH'2Q Arenas

We only need to focus on the base assertion of the lower Type to work out what the Q structure is about. In pursuing the research, all style levels were carefully studied leading to corrections and confirmations of formulations. Nevertheless, all propositions to follow must be treated as provisional.

Q1 is Knowing What to Do : As presented above, informed action to handle a concrete situation is grounded in Data from L'1-Empirical styles and shaped by L'2-Analytic styles.

Q2 will be knowing that is dependent on «α-grounding/asserting» analyses i.e. the output of L'2-Analytic inquiry. This output appears to be the «Findings» of any relevant research

Findings need to get β-organised, γ-evaluated & δ-anchored over the next 3 Levels.

L'3-Explanatory styles then come into play for Q2H L's 5-7 suggesting new hypotheses for existing findings. This is the way that disciplinary knowledge develops, but which hypothesis should be selected for study?

So: Q2 is named Knowing What to Study to make a Significant Contribution.

Q3 will be knowing that is dependent on «α-grounding/asserting» hypotheses i.e. the output of L'3-Explanatory inquiry. This output appears to exist in everyday life as «Possibilities».

Possibilities need to get β-organised, γ-evaluated & δ-anchored over the next 3 levels.

L'4-Dialectic styles come into play for Q2H L's 5-7 to debate possibilities. Starting from a preferred option drives the change process.

So: Q3 is named Knowing What to Change by taking a Premeditated Position.

Q4 will be knowing that is dependent on «α-grounding/asserting» a polarized or polarizable position i.e. the output of L'4-Dialectic inquiry. This disputable output is named «Evidence»,

Evidence needs to get β-organised, γ-evaluated & δ-anchored over the next 3 levels.

L'5-Holistic styles then come into play for Q2H L's 5-7 to reconcile and resolve issues. Creating an overall credible picture of evidence is part of developing a viewpoint.

So: Q4 is named Knowing What to Think by developing a Formulated View.

Q5 will be knowing that is dependent on «α-grounding/asserting» a comprehensive account i.e. the output of L'5-Holistic inquiry. This account usually appears as a «Report»,

Reports, being holistic, are invariably long and complicated. They need to get β-organised, γ-evaluated & δ-anchored over the next 3 levels.

L'6-Formal styles then come into play for L's 5-7 to enable simplifying assumptions. Simplifications enable report contents to be presented to others.

So: Q5 is named Knowing What to Say when an Authoritative Pronouncement is required.

Q6 will be knowing that is dependent on «α-grounding/asserting» something that must be assumed i.e. the output of L'6-Formal inquiry. This something is typically a «Requirement» which is treated as necessary i.e. a need or value.

Requirements must get β-organised, γ-evaluated & δ-anchored over the next 3 levels.

L'7-Contemplative styles then come into play for L's 5-7 to enable the application of imagination and reflection. This is essential to overcome the spontaneous resistance to any new need or value.

So: Q6 is named Knowing What to Value and is about handling an Emergent Requirement or need.

Q7 will be knowing that is dependent on «α-grounding/asserting» a speculation that has emerged spontaneously as a result of conscious and unconscious contemplation i.e. the output of L'7-Contemplative inquiry. This speculation is presented as a great and implementable «Idea».

Ideas for a creative enterprise, however enticing, need to get β-organised, γ-evaluated & δ-anchored over the next 3 levels.

L'1-Empirical styles then come into play for L's 5-7 to help determine the relevant realities. Speculative ideas can be shaped by applying a grasp of the facts to make realization possible or at least persuasive.

So: Q7 is named Knowing What to Create which is about enabling an Achievable Future.

Review & Additional Labels

All these Q entities are about putting a premium on knowing when making a choice i.e. the choice must be explicable to be properly justifiable. As we ascend the Q's, the context becomes progressively more abstract.

Q1 reaches practical conclusions that inform choices leading to action.

Note:ClosedDecisions can be made without putting effort into knowing. 

Q2 reaches scholarly conclusions that inform choices about the needs of a discipline.

Note: ClosedChoices about what to investigate can be made more simply in response to funding incentives, personal comfort, or career pressures.

Q3 reaches political conclusions that inform choices about a necessary change in any social situation.

Note:ClosedChanges may be made arbitrarily or using biases or self-interest. Power often trumps knowing. 

Q4 reaches personal conclusions that inform choices about a viewpoint that is well-formulated and can withstand doubts and challenges.

Note:ClosedWhile a viewpoint can be activated without emphasizing knowing, it cannot easily be sustained in the face of challenges or a turbulent milieu. 

Q5 reaches authoritative conclusions that inform choices about exactly what communication should be made.

Note:ClosedPronouncements not based on knowing may be
pumped out, but this is just unprincipled propaganda.

Q6 reaches ethical conclusions that inform choices about a new requirement on some or all people because it is important for them and often wider society too.

Note:ClosedRequirements may be imposed as rules without a focus
on knowing: perhaps for expedience or for economic reasons.

Q7 reaches speculative conclusions that inform choices about a possibility for future benefits as part of enabling that future to emerge.

Note:ClosedCreative initiatives developed without a focus on knowing depend on enthusiastic optimism and are extremely risky. 

To investigate other Domains, knowledge of the psychosocial pressure would likely provide a further source of assistance:

Originally published: 19-Sep-2022