Recapitulation: The Story so Far-I
To follow and criticize the propositions in the following section(s), it may be helpful to understand that a paradigm seems to be emerging in these researches. This paradigm, not yet unified, contains a mix of assumptions, observations, logical analysis and conjectures.
I will summarize the various themes below so that I (and everyone else) can come back to check if/when confusion develops. I accept that there may be different views about the status of various propositions: view them as provisional. There are also some new items that were implicit in the recent work but not yet articulated there.
Basis | Proposition | Link | Notes | |
1 | THEE is a taxonomy of psychosocial elements (categories) that are ordered within hierarchies of various sorts. | |||
2 | This taxonomy proper does not include Trees, because these represent the dynamic use of taxonomic elements. Trees are formed by applying a relevant duality to the hierarchy. | Check![]() |
3 | Observation | In the dynamic duality is some version of person v situation (e.g. self v society, individual v environment, autonomy v constraint). It corresponds to the way we experience taking action. | and , theCheck specific cases. | |
4 | Observation | The | projects itself into each of the other taxonomic hierarchical forms, in the sense that the 7 levels correspond to their 7 levels in a standard order that is not necessarily sequential 1 through 7.Check | |
Puzzle: What does "projection" mean? What does "correspondence" signify? This part of the Architecture Room is devoted to solving the puzzle for each case: 1: Projection into the Primary Hierarchies. 2: Projection into the various Typologies (or Spirals). 3: Projection into the various Structural Hierarchies. So far, only [1] has been partly addressed as explained below. | ||||
5 | Assumption | The | , emanates the whole taxonomy via the . is also a source or reservoir of psychosocial energy that is distributed to the for use.Check![]() |
6 | Observation | Each | emanates a corresponding . Conversely, all of a particular contents lie within the corresponding .Check | |
7 | Observation | Principal Typologies/Spirals.] | also generate structures that appear to feedback to the , a finding that led to discovery of the . [This finding will be examined further in relation to the Root projection to theCheck | |
8 | Conjecture | The origin of taxonomic energy (in the | ) has a neurophysiological foundation in 7 discrete biological instincts that correspond 1:1 with the 7 .Check | |
9 | Conjecture | Each biological instinct manifests as a constant psycho-social pressure (PP). Every person is intuitively aware of PPs to a greater or lesser degree at any moment, and a person can respond more or less creatively. | Check | |
10 | Conjecture | This creative perspective seems compatible with biological instinct as a generator of automatic or programmed behaviour, based on possible activation of different neuronal pathways. | ||
11 | Observation | In | , investigation has revealed a 1-to-1 sequential correspondence i.e. to , to ... till to .Check | |
12 | The 7 | of a are 7 instinctual manifestations of the originating , as well as being elements in their own right.Check | ||
13 | Observation + |
Any particular a) as emergence of a taxonomic entity (noun) e.g. comparison. b) as a dynamic application of (instinctual) energy to that entity (verb+noun) e.g. arrange comparison. c) as an entity whose use requires all levels to that point (verbal noun) e.g. comparing. |
level/element can therefore be viewed in three ways:Check | |
14 | Observation | Other | projections have been potentially identified for 's, and these require investigation in due course.Check![]() |
Application: These conjectures and conclusions were of specific value in analyzing the phenomenon of «forced oscillating duality reversal», initially recognized in the study of Communication. | ||||
15 | Observation | «Emergent hierarchies» (oscillating dualities in all elements in all 7 . | ) were discovered by systematically "forcing" the reversal ofCheck | |
16 | Elements in any Root Hierarchy: but a special form, not the proper. | come from 7 different , so the cannot be a (or a new ). Because each element is simultaneously part of the corresponding , the can be sensibly classified as aCheck | ||
17 | Assumption | "Forcing" indicates a dynamic process, and so the framework manifests as a Tree with a provisional formula: . | Check | |
18 | Observation | The 7 | in each of the 7 s are re-ordered in the same way, but this order differs from the emanated by the . So the definitely do not represent .Check | |
19 | Conjecture | The | define states of mind that a person may activate following failure, blockage or crises in an endeavour, so as to enhance the possibility of eventual success.Check | |
Puzzle: How to characterize the states of mind defined by the new emergent frameworks so as to simultaneously account for the re-ordering of the | in their ?||||
?20 | Observation | Each Centre in a Tree has a distinctive hierarchical position and set of interactions (i.e. Channels), and hence a distinctive quality. | Check | |
21 | are labelled to distinguish them from taxonomic levels, labelled | Check | ||
22 | In from their usual position to a new position occurs so as to alter Centre functioning, interactions and handling. | structures, the movement of the elementsCheck | ||
23 | Conjecture (Principle) |
The psychosocial pressures (PP) identified in the original Trees that are classified as Root Hierarchies. |
are invariant in all New | cf. 8&9 |
24 | Assumption | The PP inherent in the contents of Centres varies from Tree to Tree, depending on the origin of the Tree. This is evident in the emergent Trees, but is likely to apply to all Trees. | Check | cf. 27 |
25 | Conjecture (Principle) |
The Centre contents. The Centre contents PP controls the «output» i.e. its social quality and expectations or requirements of the environment. | PP controls «input» i.e. the psychological requirement or frame of mind with which a person engages with theCheck | |
26 | In the Centre PPs are identical with the PP by definition. In , there are 1:1 projections from the , so Centres and again have the same PP. |
, the Check | ||
27 | Observation | In the Centre within each is identical at every and leads to a multiplication of pressures whose nature enabled identification of the framework's function. |
's, the output-PP in every Check | |
28 | Observation | In Spirals, Structural Hierarchies), each Centre has two PPs ( -based and -based) that are almost always different. The PP required for a suitably creative input differs from the PP sought from the output in social situations. | projections to other taxonomic forms (e.g.Check![]() |
29 | Each Tree has 2 forms: the «objective requisite» form with unique verbs+nouns characterizing the Centre, and unique channel labels; the «subjective handling» form uses the same nouns as the former, but takes verbs and channel labels from the emergent root hierarchies. | Check |
Initially posted: 1-Nov-2013. Last updated: 14-Jan-2023