The Triplet Pattern
Domain Fundamentals and Domain Controls show triplets consisting of (i) an originating Tree that forms (ii) a Structural Hierarchy, which then gives rise to (iii) a final Tree based on the sH Groupings or Requirements. It follows that a proper appreciation of Trees and Structural Hierarchies is essential for the current inquiry.
Trees, as explained in the Hub, are the framework-structures that underpin our functioning in personal and social life. So their naming deserves much attention.
» or « » for example, are perfectly adequate as names when listing and ordering the forms of or Such framework names help us consider a particular . While such sets of 7 levels can be said to give rise to a « » or a « » , those are unsatisfactory names. They do not indicate when such frameworks might be applied or what results from using or misusing the frameworks.A Centre within a Tree, being dynamic, requires more than the name of the originating element: it needs a suitable adjunctive verb. It follows that appreciating a Tree's functioning based on inspection of its Centres depends, at least partly, on the correctness of that supplementary verb.
The current conjecture is that the verb carries the intrinsic psychosocial pressure(s). Elements are also conditioned by the dynamic duality—that universal and inescapable tension between oneself and the socio-physical situation—and influences from neighbouring Centres.
Reminder: Formulae for a Level
Two Versions of Each Tree
Recent investigations have revealed that come in two versions: what is «objectively required» (requisite output) and what is judged to be «subjectively reasonable» (requisite input). The subjective version has Centres with an invariant verbal form and invariant Channel names. In this section, when reference is made (as above) to the "correct form", the objectively required version is necessarily implied. In what follows, I will simply refer to « ».
Structural Hierarchies
A Structural Hierarchy (sH) consists of 28 components, each of which is either a noun or a simple verbal form indicating construction of that noun e.g. or
But, components of what? Or for what? In the case of in the , inspection of the components suggested the framework was about « ». In many other Structural Hierarchies, however, a name had not been determined at the time of composing this Topic.
Reminder: Layout of a Structural Hierarchy & formation of a Final Tree
Taxonomic Principle: Requirements (G) in a Structural Hierarchy become the Levels (GL) in the final Tree. Implications.
If Trees are the primary operative frameworks for personal functioning, then Structural Hierarchies are the secondary operative structures. The two exist together as a triplet:
- an originating Tree ( ) from a holistic Hierarchy whose levels can be combined to form.....
- a Structural Hierarchy ( ), whose Groupings/Requirements can become Levels in...
- a final Tree ( ).
Each Grouping in the Structural Hierarchy contains all Levels of the originating Hierarchy. Because each Grouping becomes a Tree-Level, it follows that all originating Tree Centres are intrinsic to every Level /Centre of the final sH-Tree.
These triplets are meaningful, and so the names of the two Trees must:
(a) reveal some consistency that makes sense of the triplet,
(b) relate meaningfully to the name given to the Structural Hierarchy.
- Compare naming elements and frameworks.
- Start with naming Domain Fundamentals
- See naming Domain Controls
- See naming Ethical Controls
Originally posted: 15-Feb-2015. Updated: 12-Aug-2016. Last amended 12-Jan-2023.