Dual Pressures in PH'2Q Arenas
A pattern of pressures for the 7 Arenas in a Primary Domain, identical to that found in the Primary Hierarchies, has been proposed in the previous topic. It was also suggested that there may be two pressures in each Arena: a primary pressure relating to the structure - form of the Arena, and a secondary pressure relating to the contents - operation of the Arena.
This proposal for dual pressures will now be investigated using the Arenas of Knowing as previously proposed.
Arenas of Knowing : PH'2Q
In the exposition below, Arena functioning is taken to be based in the lower Type and shaped by the upper Type. So the lower Type determines the content or operations.
Q1: Informing an Action : Practical Conclusions : Knowing What to Do
Conclusions about action seem to be primarily subject to performance pressure, as currently proposed.
looking at the inner constituents, it is not possible to use data for action unless it is understood, and the same applies to the other L'1 constituents: information, knowledge, principles and L'2 constituents: appreciation, explanation, wisdom.
So the secondary pressure is: understanding.
Q2: Contributing to a Discipline : Scholarly Conclusions : Knowing What to Study
Conclusions about what to investigate seem to be primarily subject the researcher to a certainty pressure, as currently proposed.
looking at the processes, i.e. review findings, identify issues, develop approaches, pose questions, expose presumptions, critique paradigms and offer originality, it seems essential that the researcher is able to perform them all to a satisfactory level
So the secondary pressure is: performance.
Q3: Premeditating a Change : Political Conclusions : Knowing What to Change
Conclusions about a change seem to be primarily subject to a acceptability pressure, as currently proposed.
the change processes, i.e. and , seem to require impartiality and even impersonality.
So the secondary pressure is: selflessness.
Q4: Formulating a View : Personal Conclusions : Knowing What to Think
Conclusions about a viewpoint seem to be primarily subject to a well-being pressure, as currently proposed.
the constituting processes i.e. weighing evidence, following arguments, allowing interpretations, seeing implications, applying history, operating mindsets, and will be handled by each person in their own unique way. In forming a personal view, there is necessarily a resistance to being imposed on by the views of another, however well-meaning or expert.
So the secondary pressure is: autonomy.
Q5: Authorising a Pronouncement: Official Conclusions : Knowing What to Say
Conclusions about a pronouncement seem to be primarily subject to an understanding pressure, as currently proposed.
the constituent processes informing the pronouncement need to be clear, precise and as accurate as possible. These and even should be specified in an unequivocal way.
So the secondary pressure is: certainty.
Q6: Asserting Importance : Ethical Conclusions : Knowing What is Needed
Conclusions about importance seem to be primarily subject to an autonomy pressure, as currently proposed.
the constituent processes i.e. specification of requirements, highlighting associations, engaging challenges, scrutinizing judgements, exploring realities, deepening awareness, and restoring balance are all value-drenched and directly affect a person's well-being.
So the secondary pressure is: well-being.
Q7: Enabling a Future : Speculative Conclusions : Knowing What to Create
Conclusions about the future seem to be primarily subject to a selflessness pressure, as currently proposed.
specifications of the constituents i.e. imaginative ideas, reflective implications, use of schemata, expectations, contingencies, resources and unwavering commitment, are only entertained if they are acceptable to oneself and others.
So the secondary pressure is: acceptability.
Next Steps
The presence of two psychosocial pressures, one related to form and the other related to the constituent processes, appears to be validated.
A similar dual form was also found in pressures related to Trees. More
Having asserted that the primary form-related pressures will be a pattern common to all Q structures, it might be expected that the secondary intrinsic pressure should also be a standard pattern. But is that so?
The only way forward is to carefully examine all
in the remaining Domains. Having already considered two of the , that is the place to start. Then we can look at .- Examine Associating Arenas-PH'5Q
Originally posted: 24-Sep-2022. Last updated: 12-Mar-2023.