
  Reference/Meaning Formula
#1 A rule introduced to ensure that all in a social group know and obey those rules that are essential to maintain a stable social order.
Syn: regulation, edict, statute, canon, ordinance.
#2 A rule, determined by the law, which constrains the enforcement of rules and which assumes the need for the social control of social control via legalized coercion. sPH"6-G16
#3 See: the law (below) sPH"6-G52
#4 The characteristic rule of a governance system. PH"4-L6
#5 Re society: academic discipline, body of knowledge and profession dealing primarily with making and applying laws and the working of courts of justice.
#6 Re science: regularities in nature revealed by empirical inquiry. PH'2-L2
#7 See: rule of law. PH'6C-φ2

The Law

  Reference/Meaning Formula
#1 The ethical frame of reference that enables judgements of individual conduct which define what, at present, must be taken as right. sPH"6-G52
#2 Primal authority for laws in a society. sPH"6-G16


Glossary Index

Last updated: 15-Jan-2014