Communication Domain:
Arenas for Associating (PH'5Q•)
The responsible work-in-role.
are aboutThe 7 Q-Arenas are each presented briefly here.
The pairing of these Arenas is explained here.
The Tree of the 7 Arenas is proposed here.
Below, shows diagrams related to each of the Arenas.
a) the Types in the Arena
b) the Spiral of Growth of the Arena
c) the Tree of the Arena
The Arena Hierarchy/Tree also leads to a structural hierarchy and its Tree, but these are currently undeveloped except for
The formulations below are brief preliminary propositions. Being at an early stage of drafting, they need expansion, refinement and improvement.
«Formal Organisations» as the Initial Posted PH'5Q Arena
was the first discovered " ", long before the notions of 'Arenas' or 'Q-expansions' or 'associating' had been developed. is taken for granted in organisations, but a moment's reflection tells us that any permanent association requires people to work at it...otherwise it just collapses. turned out to be and required to produce concrete or tangible goods or services, through the use of limited resources. It is the where work is paid for.
Subsequent Postings of PH'5Q Arenas (2023)
Currently posted in Frameworks for Development:
Frameworks for the remaining four
— —will be posted in due course, and notes in relation to them are posted below.Comparing the Arenas
PH'5 | Arena Label |
Shared Reality | Becoming a Member | Examples | Social Force for Cohesion | Personal State for Cohesion | Cause for Member Exclusion | Relation to Similar Groups |
•Q7 | Artistic Event |
Tangible entity | Passionate participation, paid or voluntary. | Concert, opera, art exhibition | Dedication | Faith | Incompatibility | Coexistent |
•Q6 | Spiritual Tradition | Abstract entity | Preparedness to embrace the symbols. | Kabbala, Buddhist, Sufi | Connection | Attunement | Desecration | Coexistent |
•Q5 | Philosophy School | Abstract entity | Conviction of importance for humanity. | Existentialism, Psychoanalysis, Catholicism. | Orthodoxy | Belief | Heresy | Coexistent OR Competitive |
•Q4 | Societal Institution | Diffuse system of social bodies. | Intrinsic to a person's civil rights and civic duties. | Education, The Economy, Welfare, Healthcare. | Consent | Socialization | Disruption | Compete for attention and social resources. |
•Q3 | Academic Discipline | Social entity established extra-legally. | Qualifications and contributions. | Physics, History, Mathematics, Sociology. | Credibility | Enthusiasm | Deceit | Coexistent & Competitive |
•Q2 | Formal Organisation | Legal entity defined by its mission. | Voluntary skill-based application leading to appointment. | Business. Voluntary ass'n Regulatory agency |
Accountability | Obligation | Incompetence. | Competitive OR Cooperative OR Coexistent |
•Q1 | Family Household | Natural entity constituting society. | Emotional choice. | Family, foster home, some communes | Responsiveness | Attachment | Irresponsibility | Coexistent and Communal |
PH'5 | Arena Label |
Focus of Group | Boundary Unitary Quality |
Size | Evolution | Member Entry-Exit | Leaders |
•Q7 | Artistic Event |
Tangible entity | Societal initially but potentially trans-cultural. | Small and must be managed | Time-limited but may evolve during lifetime. | Suitability and dedication. | Creative director. |
•Q6 | Spiritual Tradition | Abstract entity | Trans-national Diffuse |
Can become very large. | Highly conservative | By submission to the system. | Founder even after death. |
•Q5 | Philosophy School | Personally-created entity | Trans-national Fissiparous. |
Small to large and unmanageable. | Cautiously enabled. | Via voluntary commitment. | Founder and subsequent guardians. |
•Q4 | Societal Institution | Diffuse system of social bodies. | Societally bounded. Ill-defined, diffuse and ever-changing boundaries as part of evolution within society. |
Very large and unmanageable | Expected but resisted or channelled by vested interests. | Both service deliverers and users are members. | No leaders |
•Q3 | Academic Discipline | Social entity established extra-legally. | Ill-defined but static. Subdivides to form sub-disciplines,combines to form inter-disciplines. |
Small to very large and unmanageable. | Expected and welcomed | Informal entry and exiit, based on activities and interests. | Informal recognition, multipolar, use of committees. |
•Q2 | Formal Organisation | Legal entity defined by its mission. | Defined and explicity but can coalesce via acquisition, merger or fusion in a conglomerate. | Small to large but always expected to be manageable | Disliked but embraced | Entry and exit is common, expected and controlled. | Formal appointment |
•Q1 | Family Household | Natural entity constituting society. | Definite and extendable: forms clans, tribes, networks. | Small nuclear but can extend and must be manageable. | Disliked and resisted. | Birth and death via social custom. Expulsion is possible. | Informal, custom-based |
Q1: Family-Household
that lives together forms a consisting of individuals with distinct personalities and practical needs that must be met for personal survival.L | Ways to Sustain a Family TET |
Stages in Strengthening Family Continuity Spiral |
Work Hierarchy in the Family Tree |
7 | Uphold Values | Family Values | Values |
6 | Acknowledge History | Shared History | Using History |
5 | Review Responsibilities | Evolving Responsibilities | Taking Responsibility |
4 | Mark Maturation | Social Maturation | Planning |
3 | Accommodate Members | Distinctive Individuation | Politics |
2 | Handle Crises | Continuous Coping | Administration |
1 | Provide Care | Emotional Care | Practices |
Ways to Sustain a Family-Household (PH'5-Q1t)

application of styles to the Typology. The ways are distinctively different and a matrix comparing properties needs to be developed.
were developed from theThe ways can be plotted according to whether they have high or low concern for the family's social integration (X-axis) and to support family members (Y-axis).
As usual, the ways fall into four quadrants. Approaches in diametrically opposite quadrants engender a degree of antagonism. UR are symbolic and general, while the LL are practical and specific; LR is based in emotion, while UL is based in thought.
The inner circle defines practical, tangible forms of work.
The outer circle defines more indirect, intangible forms of work.
The two circles fuse in the provision of care which needs to be both practical and intangible.
The arrows indicate natural tendencies to increase family cohesioni.e. physical care is best handled from a developmental perspective; maturational events are best marked by expressing family values; member differences are best accommodated when viewed in a historical context; and coping is more effective if responsibilities are appropriate.
Stages in Strengthening Continuity of Family Life (PH'5-Q1C)

In this framework, the
, having been plotted, are then viewed as .These modes comprise distinctive sets of principles and values for ensuring all members take family life seriously, together with assumptions about a variety of associated family situations. Together they spell out what is required for family members to foster the well-being of each and all.
Family life depends on
that meets the needs of all family members.The foundation of Cycle-1 modes progressively deals with disruptions, firstly by , then by ensuring , and finally by adjusting to life-events and fostering .
is , but this can be disrupted by events andIn Cycle-2, the last three modes progressive enhance family cohesion, initially by in the light of changes, then by creating a for reference, and finally by affirmation of socially relevant .
Family continuity demands progression from a focus on survival to creation of an enduring and socially responsible unit.
moves its orientation from purely through to .Drivers for the evolutionary progression through these modes appear to be: (a) member developmental pressures, (b) family aspirations, (c) social expectations, and (d) limitations of each Stage.
Dynamics of Responsiveness for Family Maintenance (PH'5-Q1HK)
As usual, a Tree can be created from the essence of each of the 7 modes and this provides for dynamics of responsiveness which is essential for family work to be effective across all levels.
The dynamic duality to be applied is personal/individual v social/familial.
The internal duality revealed is cohesion/strength v effectiveness/viability.
The psychosocial pressures are understanding as the underpinning force derived from and not shown in the diagram, and then performance based on the Q1 position, and finally autonomy (from language) and certainty (from language).
Q2: Formal Organisation
are enterprises set up to deliver a mission using available resources. This category covers all associations that have been formally established: profit and non-profit, commercial, voluntary, and governmental. A taxonomic categorization into 10 types is provided inWays to Control an Organisation (PH'5-Q2t)
These are described as Methods for Managing in the Work in Organizations Satellite.
Stages in Strengthening the Impact of an Organisation (PH'5-Q2C)
These are described as Strengthening the Organization of Work in the Work in Organizations Satellite.
Levels of Work in Organisations (PH'5-Q2H)
These formulations are essential for structuring organisations into management levels. See details in the Work in Organizations Satellite.
Dynamics of Accountability in Organisations (PH'5-Q2HK)
This Tree explains necessary managerial relationships between Levels in an organisation. See details in the Work in Organizations Satellite.
Organization of Management in an Organisation (PH'5-Q2sH)
This structural hierarchy integrates the work-to-be-done in an organisation and defines expectations and obligations of management and employees. See details in the Work in Organizations Satellite.
Dynamics of Participation in an Organisation (PH'5-Q2sHK)
This Tree explains socio-emotional states and the interaction of morale and productivity. See details in the Work in Organizations Satellite.
Q3: Academic Discipline
are associations of individuals committed to the study of a particular aspect of reality in particular ways.
Any discipline exists apart from organisational forms like academic departments, or research institutions. Roles indicating seniority and calibre like "Lecturerer"or "Professor" do not belong to the discipline but to these organisational forms.
L | Ways to Contribute to a Discipline TET |
Stages in Strengthening Disciplinary Significance Spiral |
Work Hierarchy in an Academic Discipline Tree |
7 | Communicate Implications | Social Implications | Implications |
6 | Analyse Issues | Unresolved Issues | Issues |
5 | Articulate Knowledge | State-of-the-Art Knowledge | Knowledge |
4 | Construct Programs | Coherent Programs | Programs |
3 | Design Projects | Rigorous Projects | Projects |
2 | Develop Methods | Valid Methods | Methods |
1 | Offer Peer Review | Impartial Peer Review | Peer Review |
Ways to Contribute to a Discipline (PH'5-Q3t)

application of styles to the Typology. The ways are distinctively different as evidenced in the matrix below.
were developed from theThe ways were then plotted according to whether their focus is high or low on producing knowledge(X-axis) and on methodological issues (Y-axis).
As usual, the ways fall into four quadrants. Approaches in diametrically opposite quadrants engender a degree of antagonism. UR are publicized, while the LL is internalized; LR is regulatory, while UL is productive.
The inner circle is about research process and practice.
The outer circle is about standards and scholarship.
The two circles fuse in which affects both practice and standards.
The arrows indicate natural preferences for guidancei.e. programs are guided by social implications; projects are guided by issues that need addressing; methods are guided by current knowledge; and peer review feedback is guided by editorial standards.
Stages in Strengthening Significance of a Discipline (PH'5-Q3C)

In this framework, the
, having been plotted, are then viewed as .These modes comprise distinctive sets of principles for the continuing production of credible knowledge by disciplinary members. Together they spell out what is required for the discipline to become socially significant.
Disciplines depends on
for confidence about the validity of knowledge, even if it can be biased or faulty.Cycle-1 modes progressively strengthens confidence in findings, firstly by determining , then by ensuring , and finally by setting these within a to facilitate synthesis and interpretation.
In Cycle-2, the last three modes progressively improve programming of inquiries, initially by reference to , then by identifying , and finally by highlighting .
A significant discipline demands progression from an inward-looking group of self-selected colleagues to a socially open society of scholars.
moves from through to .Drivers for the evolutionary progression through these modes appear to be: (a) scholarly passions, (b) disciplinary challenges, (c) social needs, and (d) limitations of each Stage.
Levels of Work in Disciplines (PH'5-Q3H)
These formulations are essential to clarify roles within discipline related organisations e.g. academic departments, intellectual product businesses.
Unpublished Draft: Strengthening Organisation and Management of Intellectual Product Businesses (1999). Download here.
Dynamics of Credibility in Disciplines (PH'5-Q3HK)
As usual, a Tree can be created from the essence of each of the 7 modes and this provides for dynamics between the determinants of operational improvement.
The dynamic duality to be applied is the usual personal/individual v social/structured.
The internal duality is suggested as current findings v new investigations.
The psychosocial pressures are understanding as the underpinning force derived from the and not shown in the diagram, and then acceptability based on the Q3 position, and finally performance (from language) and understanding (from language).
Compare Related Discipline-related Hierarchies

Discipline Structural Hiearchy (PH'5-Q3sH)
Not investigated.
Discipline Structural Hierarchy Tree (PH'5-Q3sHK)
Not investigated.
Q4: Societal Institution
"formal name given to associations that meet specific needs of people living within a well-defined governed territory. The phenomenon is explained here.
" is theL | Ways to Impact a Societal Institution TET |
Stages in Strengthening Pressure for Change Spiral |
Work Hierarchy in a Societal Institution Tree |
7 | Demand Transparency | Demanded Transparency | Transparency |
6 | Challenge Perspectives | Challenged Perspectives | Perspectives |
5 | Highlight Statistics | Highlighted Statistics | Statistics |
4 | Construct Narratives | Constructed Narratives | Narratives |
3 | Analyse Issues | Topical Analyses | Issues |
2 | Discuss Remedies | Discussed Remedies | Remedies |
1 | Promote Interests | Promoted Interests | Interests |
Ways to Affect an Institution (PH'5-Q4t)
These are described here in the Societal Institutions Satellite.
Stages in Strengthening Pressure for Change (PH'5-Q4C)
These are described here in the Societal Institutions Satellite.
Dynamics of Consent for Institutions (PH'5-Q4HK)
This Tree is described here in the Societal Institutions Satellite.
Shaping a Societal Institution (PH'5-Q4sH)
This structural hierarchy presents the requirements and components that indicate what is desired of an institution. See details here in the Societal Institutions Satellite.
Dynamics of Participation in an Institution (PH'5-Q4sHK)
This Tree explains socio-emotional engagement with Institutions. See details here in the Societal Institutions Satellite.
Q5: Schools of Philosophy
are built around that purport to describe essential principles for living for a person and/or society. The phenomenon is explainedL | Ways to Promulgate a Doctrine TET |
Stages in Establishing a School Spiral |
Work Hierarchy in a School of Philosophy Tree |
7 | Publicize Applications | Popularized Application | Application |
6 | Debate Revisions | Recognized Revisions | Revision |
5 | Ensure Guardianship | Authorized Transmission | Transmission |
4 | Support Membership | Formalized Membership | Membership |
3 | Organise Dissemination | Standardized Dissemination | Dissemination |
2 | Provide Mentoring | Personalized Mentoring | Mentoring |
1 | Assert Fundamentals | Realized Fundamentals | Fundamentals |
Ways to Promulgate a Doctrine (PH'5-Q5t)
These are described here in the Philosophy Schools Satellite.
Stages in Establishing a Doctrine/School (PH'5-Q5C)
These are described here in the Philosophy Schools Satellite.
Dynamics of Orthodoxy for Schools (PH'5-Q5HK)
This Tree is described here in the Philosophy Schools Satellite.
Functioning of a School (PH'5-Q5sH)
The requirements and components required for a school to function are described here in the Philosophy Schools Satellite.
Dynamics of Participation in a School (PH'5-Q5sHK)
This Tree explains socio-emotional engagement with a school. See details here in the Philosophy Schools Satellite.
Q6: Spiritual Tradition
Better Self Satellite for more details of spirituality.
are built around doctrines that purport to establish a sacred divine realm and its engagement via practices that are largely experiential. See theWays to Follow a Spiritual Tradition TET |
Stages in Strengthening Power via Spirituality Spiral |
Hierarchy for Spirituality Tree |
7 | Seek Oneness | Cosmic Non-duality | Union |
6 | Manifest Obedience | Unequivocal Obedience | Obedience |
5 | Accept Existence | Enlightened Existence | Existence |
4 | Explore Reflections | Penetrating Reflections | Reflection |
3 | Sustain Practices | Religious Practices | Practices |
2 | Focus Contemplation | Profound Contemplation | Contemplation |
1 | Establish Meditation | Regular Meditation | Meditation |
Ways to Follow a Spiritual Tradition (PH'5-Q6t)
application of styles to the . The ways are distinctively different as evidenced in the matrix below.
were developed from theApproaches: |
Meditation | Contemplation | Practices | Reflections | Existence | Obedience | Oneness |
Function | Controlling the mind. | Controlling attention | Controlling activities | Controlling the ego | Overcoming escapism | Overcoming egotism | Overcoming dualism |
Titles/Labels | |||||||

high or low on their receptivity to and expected contact with Absolute REality (X-axis) and on their engagement with the associated spiritual doctrine (Y-axis).
: The ways can be plotted according to whether they areAs usual, the ways fall into four quadrants. Approaches in diametrically opposite quadrants engender a degree of antagonism.
» UR are internally oriented, while LL are externally-oriented;
» LR is about stillness, while UL involves action.
The inner circle contains ways that arecreative and require direct effort.
The outer circle contains submissive ways that allow spirit to descend.
The circles fuse in which can be both active and submissive.
The arrows indicate natural preferences for reducing the egoism that is liable to interfere i.e. is supported by just , can be strengthened by , is most valuable if it strives for , and with mind-control is strengthened by the potential for mystic union..
Spiral: Stages in Strengthening Spiritual Power (PH'5-Q6C)

In this framework, the
, having been plotted, are then viewed as .These modes comprise distinctive principles and assumptions about mastering egotism, producing goodness and approaching the divine. Together they spell out what is required to bring a spiritual tradition to life and enable a person's spirituality to deepen.
Development can stop at any Stage if the degree of spiritualization of the person is judged sufficient.
is the foundation of all spiritual journeys. However stillness is subject to egotistic intrusions.
Cycle-1 modes progressively address ego disturbances: initially by , then by , both symbolic and charitable, and finally by developing systematic sustained on one's thoughts and actions.
In Cycle-2, the final three modes progressively address the desire for spirit to descend and take over the personality, initially by accepting as it is, then by , and finally by with the cosmos.
In this way,
moves from being simply , to becoming and finally to .Drivers for the evolutionary progression through these modes appear to be: (a) intrinsic qualities of the soul, (b) personal determination and circumstances, (c) social support and pressure, and (d) limitation of previous Stages.
Dynamics of Connection in a Spiritual Tradition (PH'5-Q6HK)
As usual, a Tree can be created from the essence of each of the 7 modes and this provides for dynamics between the determinants of operational improvement.
The dynamic duality to be applied is the usual personal/individual v social/enterprise.
The internal duality is suggested as identification v self-discipline or ego-control v descent of spirit.
The psychosocial pressures are understanding as the underpinning force derived from the and not shown in the diagram, and then autonomy based on the Q6 position, and finally selflessness (from language) and well-being (from language).

Name not Determined (PH'5-Q6sH)
This structural hierarchy possibly organises self-states in relation to a spiritual path. It has not yet been developed.
Name not Determined (PH'5-Q6sHK)
This Tree possibly deals with participation within a Spiritual Tradition. Development depends on discovery of the structural hierarchy above.
Q7: Artistic Event
are communicable realities created de novo. The producers of the event invite the audience to share the reality. Often it is a reflection of the reality that they know only too well, and other times the reality portrayed may seem mysterious.
Ways to Join an Artistic Event TET |
Stages in Strengthening Appeal of an Event Spiral |
Hierarchy for an Artistic Event Tree |
7 | Consider Boundaries | Sensitive Boundaries | Boundaries |
6 | Provide Management | Dynamic Management | Management |
5 | Generate Publicity | Effective Publicity | Publicity |
4 | Authorize Commissions | Definitive Commissions | Commissioning |
3 | Promise Involvement | Credible Participants | Participants |
2 | Explore Possibilities | Hypothetical Elaboration | Potentials |
1 | Conceive Projects | Imaginative Projects | Conceptions |

Ways to Participate in an Artistic Event (PH'5-Q7t)
high or low on their focus on artistic quality (X-axis) and on their focus on audience impact (Y-axis).
: The ways can be plotted according to whether they areAs usual, the ways fall into four quadrants. Approaches in diametrically opposite quadrants engender a degree of antagonism.
» UR ways respond to social norms, while LL ways exploit social norms;
» LR is the creative core, while UL ways support creativity.
The inner circle demands imaginative input.
The outer circle provides for practical efforts.
The circles fuse in which needs to be both imaginative and practical.
The arrows indicate natural preferences for gaining social support i.e. are supported by , is supported by , is supported by , and specs need support in production.
Stages in Strengthening Appeal of an Event (PH'5-Q7C)

In this framework, the
, having been plotted, are then viewed as .These modes comprise distinctive principles for project development, artistic quality and involvement with society. Together they spell out what is required for an artistic event to appeal to the public.
Any commitment starts with a
that poses the challenge of how to realize it.Cycle-1 modes progressively clarify what is involved: initially by , then by gaining interest from , and finally by ensuring funds are available to .
In Cycle-2, the final three modes deal with implementing a commission, initially by focusing on , then by ensuring , and finally by determining the relevant .
In this way,
moves from being just , to entering and finally to being .Drivers for the evolutionary progression through these modes appear to be: (a) intrinsic project quality, (b) artistic aspirations, (c) social expectations and support, and (d) limitations of previous Stages.
Dynamics of Dedication to an Artistic Event (PH'5-Q7HK)
As usual, a Tree can be created from the essence of each of the 7 modes and this provides for dynamics between the determinants of operational improvement.
The dynamic duality to be applied is the usual personal/emotonal v social/impersonal.
The internal duality is suggested as artistic control v social engagement or norms v creativity.
The psychosocial pressures are understanding as the underpinning force derived from the and not shown in the diagram, and then selflessness based on the Q7 position, and finally well-being (from language) and certainty (from language).
Name not Determined (PH'5-Q7sH)
This structural hierarchy possibly organises the reality to be shared in an event. It has not yet been developed.
Name not Determined (PH'5-Q7sHK)
This Tree possibly deals with participation within an event. Development depends on discovery of the structural hierarchy above.
Matrix Comparisons
responsibility and manifests as work-in-role. which is the basis for maintenance of any association. Labels to devised for each of the Arenas are shown in the Table below.
is activated byQH | Domain of Responsibility | Q•t | Q•-Spiral | Q•HK Tree | Q•sH | Q•sHK |
7 | Artistic Events |
Ways to participate | Appeal of the event via production |
the Artistic Event via |
? | ? |
6 | Spiritual Traditions |
Ways to follow | Power of the spirituality via activation. |
Spiritual Tradition via Connection |
? | ? |
5 | Philosophy Schools |
Ways to promulgate | Doctrinal establishment via willing conversion |
Perpetuating the Doctrine/School via Orthodoxy |
? | ? |
4 | Societal Institutions |
Ways to impact | Institutional development via public exposure |
Improving the Institution via Consent |
? | ? |
3 | Academic Disciplines |
Ways to contribute | Disciplinary significance via scholarship |
Developing the Discipline via |
? | ? |
2 | Formal Organizations |
Ways to control | Organizational impact via line-management |
the Organisation via Accountability |
Participation dynamics |
1 | Family Households | Ways to sustain | Family continuity via family interaction |
Maintaining the family-household via Responsiveness |
? | ? |
Comparing Internals of PH'5Q Arenas of Associating
Download a pdf Table listing the 7 types/modes/levels to enable comparisons across the 7 PH'5Q Arenas.
Download pdf file of Table below.

Naming was not an issue in these Arenas. Nor is there any obvious link between names and the Root Domains as with Arenas in
and .The various types of groups are all commonly experienced, joined and referred to.
The only Arena that caused difficulties is
, probably because of the common reference to certain organisations as institutions. The notion that Institutions are patterns of intangible but powerful values and beliefs that show up as conventions and normative behaviour seems difficult for most to grasp. There appears to be a general lack of awareness of the nature of values and Institutions, possibly based on the immaturity of human consciousness at this point in time.Plotting All Arenas
These are the diagrams whose logic is explained in the Architecture Room.

high or low in establishing a truer reality (X-axis) and on developing society (Y-Axis).
that generate work-in-role are plotted and fall into four quadrants according to whether they areThis diagram appears valid insofar as typical TET features are to be found.
- The inner circle contains Arenas where work grounds a society, while the outer circle contains Arenas where work evolves the society. The two circles fuse in which can do both.
- Arenas in diametrically opposite quadrants have a degree of antagonism: UR Arenas generate knowledge, while LL Arenas generate activity; UL Arenas are mundane, while the LR Arena is sacred.
- The arrows show interactional support: social institutions and family households certainly support each other, philosophical doctrines and academic disciplines often fight but should support each other; probably artistic events and organisations support each other; and finally group rituals and mystical paths are two aspects of any spiritual tradition.
The full significance of the Tree shown below has not been determined. What it possibly shows is that

Originally posted: 12-Feb-2024. Last updated: 12-Apr-2024