Our Context: A New Enlightenment

Orient Yourself to the Coming Change

Silhouette of man's head looking at a rising sun over an indeterminate landscape.

The way we think and live is undergoing a profound change, one which will establish itself this century. Sufficiently transformative to be called an Enlightenment, the change is rooted in a new approach to social life that engages with our creativity. The discovery of the Taxonomy is one manifestation of this development.

The new challenge is to use our awareness so as to create a better life. New principles will effectively complement the 18th century challenge for each of us to use our intelligence.

In the present transitional phase, many are starting to think in new ways, often without being fully aware of the implications. The Taxonomy reveals how consciousness is naturally used. So this website is dedicated to help you engage effectively with the unfolding future.

Start now with some history

Success & Failure of the 18th C Enlightenment

The 18th Century Enlightenment was about society, not science. It was led from France by Closed Diderot, Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Rousseau. However, Englishman Locke and Dutchman Spinoza were prominent contributors, as were Adam Smith and David Hume, both Scots. Franklin and Jefferson spread the ideas in America. The great Immanuel Kant wrote a famous essay: What is Enlightenment?Link to external website late in the period.

There were dozens of prominent intellectualsLink to external website sharing a belief in the existence, importance and power of reason. Using reason, an assault was launched on widespread tyranny, ignorance and superstition. The main aims were social progress, ensuring everyone was equally and permanently possessed of certain rights, and public engagement with social issues.

The 18th C thinkers viewed «enlightenment» as the freedom to use one's own intelligence. So the demand placed on people was courage, not cleverness.

ClosedTest Your Intelligence and Courage Now

Did you need courage to answer with a "No"? Probably not: but you will need it for the New Enlightenment. In the early 18th century, the answers to such questions were always "Yes", simply because: Closed the rulers and/or the church said so, and they enforced their views with threats, imprisonment, torture and execution—whatever was required to defend their interests. They always insisted and probably believed that it was for the greater good. You might well have felt there was injustice and hated the violence visited on you, your family and friends, but it was difficult to see beyond «how things are and would always be». If you could imagine that society could be different, then it took a lot of courage to speak up.

ClosedSuccess: Wonderful

ClosedFailure: To be Fixed

That was then. This is now

21st Century: Forces & Barriers

The 18th Century Enlightenment and associated social changes led to phenomenal scientific progress in the 20th century.

Computing, communication, globalization, networks, and education have combined to place awesome power in the hands of every person.

These unstoppable forces for change are leading to an alteration in consciousness and a revolution in thinking. The difference from the previous Enlightenment is that there is now far less need for thinkers and intellectuals to courageously highlight humanity's ills.Anyone can become aware and express a view.

If you are ready to think for yourself and have the courage, then you are in a good position to confront and address the two current barriers to social progress. These will persist as long as people say to themselves and each other "that's just the way things are and it will never change."

The political barrier: kleptocracy + ineptocracy.

As the present global economic calamity unfolds, the political-financial elites accumulate wealth and power beyond any imagining, while enabling a virtual or actual police state for their self-protection.

Almost every government initiative has an effect directly opposite to its stated goal. The fraud and bureaucratic waste are staggering and unpreventable under the current system.

The political norm of a welfare-warfare state is based on taxing excessively, borrowing recklessly, counterfeiting (printing money), exploiting those who are productive, military spending, and demonizing other states. Debt and currency debasement have destroyed governments and countries throughout the ages.

There is simply no need for such irresponsibility to continue.

The science barrier: materialism + mechanism.

Scientific achievements in the material realm have been as astonishing as they have been beneficial. However, scientific research is now big business and has become enmeshed in conventions, government funding and politics.

Science seems to assert that the mind is equivalent to the brain and that understanding neuronal function is equivalent to understanding ourselves. Yet this approach cannot deliver the most important knowledge of all: how to live wisely! The evolutionary need for reflective awareness is ignored.

Science publicists, like many or most scientists in private, do recognize a psychological and social reality. However, physical reality is all that seems to exist in public pronouncements. Nevertheless, information is a bridging notion and changes are emerging. An unconscious mind is now recognised, and cognitive science and linguistics do engage with non-physical entities.

A mechanistic and materialistic science, nervous about human fundamentals like autonomy, virtue and creativity combines with a politics unable to respect truth or liberty and unwilling to deliver peace and justice. While society requires each of us to create a personal and social life, neither science nor politics is delivering the means to do this well.

Something must change, and it is

Evolution of the Transition

Fortunately, there has been progress in personal development which is now bearing fruit. It started with Freud, whose discoveries built on a long tradition of reflective thought in the West; and with Marx, who raised consciousness of social conditions.

The result was a popular awareness of an inner self, distinct from society but affected by it. This conviction of unique, valid personal experiences culminated in a worldwide movement in the 1960s. In the West, the young adult generation rebelled at last and threw off the shackles of lifelong parental authority. The prize was liberation from irrational guilt, from inappropriate deference and from self-defeating inhibitions.

Personal freedom having been achieved in this social process, the challenge lying before the current generation is far greater: what do I do with my freedom? The present transitional situation in developed societies reveals a direct engagement with this question. There is evidence for:

ClosedAn Upsurge in Self-expression ►

ClosedAspirations to Authenticity ►

ClosedValuing of a Variety of Viewpoints ►

ClosedSearching for Answers ►

The above behaviours, even if often immature and simplistic, mean that the millennial generation is already stepping into the future. The leaders amongst them, without knowing exactly how, expect to find solutions to many of the problems that still plague societies. They are also entering scientific disciplines and taking their convictions with them. There is no turning back now—and there is a wonderful optimism.

Get a fix on what is going on—and explain to others

Features of the 21st Century Enlightenment

ClosedClick to see a summary comparison of the two Enlightenments.

The coming Enlightenment differs from the last in being an emergence of the responsibility to use one's own awareness intelligently. However, the demand placed on us is the same: courage.

We, including you, are in charge of this social process, which entails:

  • a responsibility to gain awareness—as appropriate for you;
  • a responsibility to maintain awareness and reflect—within your capabilities;
  • a responsibility to act on awareness—as appropriate for you.

Your dominant personal tool will be awareness.
Awareness will complement reason, by providing purpose and meaning.

Your dominant social demand will be responsibility.
Responsibility will complement freedom, making it socially constructive.

Your dominant aspiration will be to know who you can be and create yourself.
Integrity: congruence between what you say and what you do, will be valued.

Now, see how this website can help you

Get Involved!

The emerging transnational world—of unique and creative individuals, determined to be aware and to take responsibility—needs a new way of thinking about being human. Leaders of all sorts need relevant and ethical frameworks to guide their efforts efficiently and consensually.

Any major social change needs an intellectual infrastructure. An essential contribution to that need is provided by this website. The assumptions of the Taxonomy are natural and constructive. Its frameworks are true to life as we live it. It predicts many of the problematic situations we face daily.

Everyone should know about the existence of THEE, even if it is not appropriate for all to go deeply into the frameworks.

Self-starters, Leaders & Advisors should get to grips with THEE because it is a mirror and a map of yourself-in-committed-action. It was devised through helping people like yourself achieve their goals far more effectively and ethically.

Scientists, Thinkers & Inquirers should contribute to taxonomic investigations: correcting errors, extending coverage, solving architectural puzzles, devising and testing conjectures.

  • This is a great time to be alive, despite the current politico-economic mess.
  • Get your thinking straight. Grip the issues. Create the future.
  • If you are a researcher in cognition, neuroscience or artificial intelligence, debate your assumptions.
  • Email me any time.

Originally posted: April 2012; Last amended: 7-Oct-2016