Features of the Taxonomy

THEE’s Value

Human head with abstract representation of brain activity.

To manage our creativity and recognize the human element in everything we do.

THEE, the Taxonomy of Human Elements in Endeavour, is a unified, comprehensive, dynamic ordering and account of the many human factors in endeavour. In other words, it codifies personal functioning.

The Taxonomy reveals the spontaneous operation of our minds or selves during endeavours of all sorts. It naturally accounts for group life and social institutions, because these are ultimately expressions of members' functioning, especially their thoughts and intentions. That is why the field is called «psychosocial».

For practical purposes, think of THEE as a system of frameworks that structure endeavour as a whole and its principal components—like purpose, decision, communication, inquiry.

Distinctive Features

ClosedEssence of Humanity

ClosedStructure of Experience

ClosedContinuous Unconscious Operation

ClosedSource of All Social Design

ClosedRelease of Creative Energy

ClosedIn-built Reflexivity

Apart from the taxonomic terminology, THEE contains no (or very few) new ideas. As Yogi Berra said: "You can observe a lot by watching.” On top of observing, it simply adds some simple logic and ideas that are being discovered and re-discovered all the time.

Unusual Features

As with all taxonomies, THEE has been developed to be comprehensive and unified. However, there are unexpected features too.

Closed● Atheoretical

Closed● Identity-sensitive

Closed● Dilemma-sensitive 

Closed● Ethics-sensitive 

Closed● Frame-of-reference dependent

Originally posted: May 2010; Last updated: 7-Oct-2016