What is the Focus?

Domain Differences

The 7 Primary Domains originate as the 7 Levels in the Root Hierarchy. The Root Hierarchy and the Primary Hierarchies can be meaningfully divided in sections in a variety of ways, probably in all possible ways.

The lower three levels appear to be for actualization: they are where things happen. The L4 entity provides a container for that happening, and with the L5 entity guides activities. L6 is the controller, and L7 offers the fullest imaginative potential.

Actualization requires a focus.

In Action-RL1, we say that the focus or entity for L6-choice or L'6-decision is an «issue». There are an endless variety of decision issues. The issue is what the decision is there to deal with, it is what the decision is about, it is why there is a decision. Deciding the issue means the course of action can proceed.

In Inquiry-RL2, we say that the focus or entity for L6-judgementor L'6-researchis a «question» (or perhaps «topic» but this seems too broad). There are an endless variety of research questions. The questionis what the research is there to deal with, it is what the research is about, it is why there is research. Researching the question generates a scientific study.

In Change-RL3, we say that the focus or entity for L6-representationor L'6-depictionis a «situation». There are an endless variety of depiction situations. The situationis what the depiction is there to deal with, it is what the depiction is about, it is why there is depiction. Depicting the situation provides the basis for change or continuity.


A trend is noticeable:

Deciding the issue is part of a course of action: any course is essentially a chain of decisions dealing with endlessly emerging issues.

Researching the question is the heart of a scientific study. Any topic generates numerous questions which actively invite but do not predict a flow of research.

Depicting the situation is a prerequisite for deliberate change. However change is not a foregone conclusion and depiction may lead to a preference for continuity rather than change.

Originally posted: 30-May-2024