
Approach to the Inquiry

The Root Hierarchy-RH is far more significant. From a practical standpoint, I take the naming of these levels/entities as a given. I focus on clarifying functions that underpin such names, and determining distinctive properties.

Will emanates a 7-Level 'Framework of Endeavour'.

Will is expressed in endeavour. Correspondingly, the Root Cell emanates the Root Hierarchy-RH. The posting commences with a brief comment about Will-R. As it is bordering on the hypothetical, there seems little to be said.

A justification for choice of these levels will not be offered here—but the explanation with diagrams is provided in the Architecture Room.

Unlike some other taxonomic hierarchies where differences are subtle, it is rather obvious that the Levels of Endeavour are very different. No-one is going to mistake «experiences-RL4» for «purposes-RL6» or «communications-RL5» for «actions-RL1». What will be contentious are the formulations of functions.

ClosedFix Your Frame of Reference

ClosedProperties Considered

  1. External/public manifestation of each entity-level.
  2. Benefits sought by each entity-level.
  3. Reasons for engaging with each entity-level.
  4. Reasons for a refusal to activate each entity-level.
  5. Difficulties in using each entity-level in everyday life.
  6. What psychosocial need leads to moving down the hierarchy.
  7. What psychosocial need leads to moving up the hierarchy.
  8. How each entity-level enables endeavours to be created and pursued.
  9. Name the poles of the duality formed by even and odd entity-levels.
  10. Self-destructiveness using the entity-level.
  11. Force for good associated with the entity-level.
  12. Force for harm associated with absence of the entity-level when required.
  13. Perverse use of the Will in relation to each entity-level.

Development of the Root Complex

Commencing 2011, I have posted additional parts of the Root Complex, starting with an examination of the Will (Root Cell) and properties of entity-levels within Endeavour (Root Hierarchy).

Within this Satellite, I cover endeavour as a whole:

Within the Your Better Self Satellite, I cover awarenesses to guide endeavours generally:

Within Frameworks in Development , I cover the Root Spiral Complex, starting with a study of Coping

  • Root SpiralCoping. Posted Dec-2022.
  • Root Spiral TreeThriving. Not posted.
  • Root Spiral Structural Hierarchy: Enabling Survival. Not posted.
  • Root Spiral Structural Hierarchy Tree: Resilience. Not posted..

Originally posted: 27-Jan-2011; Last updated 2-Feb-2024