From Courage to Willpower (& back)

The natural relationships reveal a flow from Grouping to Grouping (G in formulae) as explained earlier and reviewed here. This will be developed as channels from Level to Level in this section. Moving Downwards is the focus for elaboration. For more detail, review the previous section.

Upward and downward flows of influence involved in being creative.

Moving Downwards

ClosedRsH-G7: Creativity starts with courageously accepting a challenge.

However, nothing significant happens until you address uncertainties and get to grips with whatever makes the challenge feel like a challenge.

ClosedRsH-G6: Allowing immersion in the challenge enables breakthroughs.

However, your breakthroughs depend on their integration and contribution to the continuing progress of your project, even if this is sometimes slow and painful.

ClosedRsH-G5: You can gain vantage through perseverance.

However, perseverance is only as effective as the personal strengths you can bring to bear.

ClosedRsH-G4: You commit yourself and all your capabilities to the project.

However, commitment does not provide everything needed: you must stimulate inputs from yourself and others.

ClosedRsH-G3: Generate support through focusing your enthusiasm.

However, enthusiasm must rest on a growing credibility in regard to what you intend.

ClosedRsH-G2: Express confidence by deepening your conviction.

However, confidence and conviction depend on unleashing your inner drive so as to move forward freely and powerfully.

ClosedRsH-G1: Autonomy enables the fullest use of your willpower.

  • With this idealized picture in mind, the first requirement is to identify the intrinsic tension (dynamic duality) that makes for pressures and problems in practice.

Originally posted: 9-Mar-2012