Well-being & Productivity

Two Diagonal Sets : Approach Duality

Plotting of the 7 ways to interact for benefit in terms of societal contribution (X-axis) and sel-development (Y-axis).

It is evident from the diagram that the mentalities fall along two diagonals. Each diagonal defines a set of mentalities that:

  • Meet a fundamental need,

    and so

  • Provide an essential benefit,


  • Serve both the person and their society.

The essences (needs) identified are:

  • To generate a worthwhile product
  • To stabilize personal well-being

These needs are so central to social life that most people possess a preferred approach from each diagonal.

Generating Productivity

Set of approaches concerned with generating productivity lie on one diagonal.

This is the aim of mentalities lying along the diagonal moving from top-left to bottom-right.

This diagonal directs our personal attention and drive outwards towards the social environment.



Moving down …

… the diagonal, we see progressive changes including:

  • X-axis: increasing practical engagement with societal needs
  • Y-axis: increasing loss of focus on self, and acceptance of external impersonal realities

Stabilizing Well-being

Set of approaches concerned with stabilizing well-being lie on one diagonal.

This is the aim of mentalities lying along the line moving from bottom left to top right. These support productive efforts by maintaining our morale in the face of set-backs and disappointments.


These self-preoccupied mentalities are difficult to ignore or neglect entirely because they arise from biological givens.


Moving up …

… the diagonal we see progressive changes including:

  • Y-axis: increasingly explicit demands for personal development
  • X-axis: increasing efforts to improve society

Originally posted: July 2009