Benefit for Society 2: Cohesion

Well-Being Set

■ Cohesion is valued above Production

  • Kinship-centredness provides continuing nurture and initial socialization of members of society. This should lead to tight bonding and intense love, loyalty and devotion.
How the various approaches to interacting provide benefit for society in terms of cohesion and division of members.

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  • Power-centredness demands a power-based system of law and order as a control within society: government lends itself to this task. Cohesion can be problematic because powerful groups or ambitious individuals may choose to escalate pressure and even generate social turmoil.

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  • Community-centredness directly strives to strengthen cohesion. It supports democratic methods and social programs to reduce injustices, and ameliorate suffering. It deplores envy and greed.

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  • Reality-centredness provides for integration and unification through its emphasis on spiritual forces, and appeals to ultimate values like peace, liberty, harmony, justice—which are the most powerful of all cohesive forces. It can generate a worthwhile vision adapted to current social forces that is relatively resistant to hijacking by special interests.

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Moving up the well-being diagonal, effectiveness increases.

Kinship-centred people see cohesion as a family matter and are ready to disrupt society for family values.

Power-centred people broaden that focus but believe in authoritarian means.

Community-centred people deepen cohesion still further by activating inner obligations and group dependence.

Reality-centred people can go even further and are capable of activating the deepest urges to tolerate, include and unify.

Productivity Set

■ Production is valued above Cohesion

On the productivity diagonal, disruption of society is unavoidable.

  • Market-centred individuals compete vigorously and this generates losers and inequalities.
  • Cause-centred individuals advocate sectional benefits or address controversial issues and therefore antagonize some people and polarize groups.
  • Perspective-centred individuals entertain and explain views, values and ideas that are intrinsically capable of disturbing and alienating many in society.

Originally posted: July 2009