Your Watershed

Change your Identification

It is rather difficult to genuinely identify with an organization in its totality prior to the Stage-4 community-centred Mode.

Holding any senior post in Stage-4, especially being CEO, leads you to experience your own success and that of the organization as one and the same.


  • Power-centred CEOs who view their organization as a fiefdom to be exploited; &
  • Cause-centred CEOs who remain too partial to their own specialist background.

Once you reach Stage-4, you are soon catapulted around into the market-centred zone again. But with all that development under your belt, you can function further down the ellipse. Your focus spontaneously moves from: 

performance of your job

performance of the organization.

Your career self-image changes from:

doing a job surrounded by others doing their jobs

handling an organization surrounded by other organizations.

The challenge for you is contributing significantly to, or leading, development of effective and profitable strategies for the organization. At this Stage, your abilities must include harnessing the skills of senior and middle managers, as well as input (as appropriate) from the Board and any external advisors.

Focus on the Organization

The focus on your organization results in all the initial market-centred principles taking on a more sophisticated quality:

Yes, you must still «work hard»,
but it is equally or more important to you thatClosed the organization works hard.

Yes, you must still «make money»,
but it is equally or more important to you thatClosed the organization turns in a profit.

Yes, you must still «grasp opportunity»,
but it is equally or more important to you thatClosed opportunities for organizational growth and strength are seized.

Yes, you must «maintain your network»,
but it is equally or more important to you thatClosed everyone helps develop good public relations on behalf of the business.

Yes, you must «use your talents»,
but it is equally or more important to you thatClosed organizational competencies are identified, enhanced and exploited.

Yes, you must «manifest integrity»,
but it is equally or more important to you thatClosed a culture of integrity permeates the business and its dealings with other bodies.

ClosedExample: Good Deals

Originally posted: July 2009