Your Watershed
Change your Identification

It is rather difficult to genuinely identify with an organization in its totality prior to the Stage-4 community-centred Mode.
Holding any senior post in Stage-4, especially being CEO, leads you to experience your own success and that of the organization as one and the same.
- Power-centred CEOs who view their organization as a fiefdom to be exploited; &
- who remain too partial to their own specialist background.
Once you reach Stage-4, you are soon catapulted around into the zone again. But with all that development under your belt, you can function further down the ellipse. Your focus spontaneously moves from:
Your career self-image changes from:
The challenge for you is contributing significantly to, or leading, development of effective and profitable strategies for the organization. At this Stage, your abilities must include harnessing the skills of senior and middle managers, as well as input (as appropriate) from the Board and any external advisors.

Nothing substantial in society can be achieved by one person acting alone—an organization containing diverse individuals is always necessary. So all later Stages—kinship-, and reality-centred—are concerned with how to expedite and strengthen the 3 “C”s:
within and around your Top Management.
These inter-personal capabilities come to the fore in the Community-centred Stage and remain at the heart of the capacity of any group to achieve. However, the quality of that achievement depends on the three Modes yet to come:
- to create unshakeable trust and loyalty in a Core Group. principles will be needed
- so new ideas can make a difference. principles will be needed
- to add a capacity to cut through complexity and uncertainty with a master-stroke. principles will be needed
In contrast to the personal demands of Cycle-1, these next Modes of Cycle-2 reflect entry into an impersonal dimension.
Focus on the Organization
The focus on your organization results in all the initial market-centred principles taking on a more sophisticated quality:
Yes, you must still «work hard»,
Yes, you must still «make money»,
Yes, you must still «grasp opportunity»,
Yes, you must «maintain your network»,
Yes, you must «use your talents»,
Yes, you must «manifest integrity»,
Read more about community-centred principles & dangers;
Then go to the discontinuous transition from Stage-4, and
Continue your journey to Stage-5: Sustaining a core group.
Originally posted: July 2009