Distinctive Leadership Roles

TOP Note:Closed In using this diagram with colleagues, subordinates or clients, it is wise to be fully conversant with the underlying framework of interacting-for-benefit. It is particularly important to be clear about the difference between the Types and the Modes.

Distinctive challenges for leadership in stages of the spiral of career development based on the interacting-for-benefit framework.

ClosedOfficer: Job-focus

ClosedBoss: Power-focus

ClosedExpert: Cause-focus

ClosedCoordinator: Community-focus

ClosedGuardian: Kinship-focus

ClosedStrategist: Perspective-focus

ClosedVisionary: Reality-focus

Given that each new situation is different and seems unpredictable, the leader also needs to be able communicate their foresight in a way that is credible, persuasive and genuinely unites people.

ClosedTOP Note:

Leadership is one of the most abused topics in the management literature. Everyone tries to simplify it. Vast sums of money have disappeared in pointless research. In THEE, leadership appears in many places, simply because it has so many aspects and can be viewed from so many perspectives. See this phenomenon in a "Game of THEE" exercise.

In this case, recognize that the interacting-for-benefit perspective is being deliberately applied. However, useful and important this application may be, it is most definitely not a final statement of what leadership is about.

June-2024: A definitive account of leadership has now been provided in the depiction paradigms (PH'3) of the Change Domain

Originally posted: July 2009