New Better Options: L6 Choices

Groups Need New Thinking

Cooperative endeavours can benefit from being thought through more deeply than has been natural at lower Levels. Dispassionate, comprehensive analysis is a feature of perspective-centred thinking

Knowledge is intrinsically consensual, but perspective-centred values force Participant wishes, interests and aspirations into a subsidiary place. The Shared endeavour is what is most important. Cold facts, rigorous logic and perspectives will put limits on what is possible and so constrain communalist choices.

Any disappointments or disruption from thinking things through more clearly must be cushioned by powerful explanations (L6) and by strong relationships (L5).

Review Perspective-centred Principles from a purely personal perspective.

Tension in Cooperation

Does L6-New Thinking imply a Participant focus or a Shared-endeavour focus or both? In the Perspective-centred realm, choices related to new thinking appear in two distinct forms.

  • Participants focus on their own perspectives and may propose radical ideas perhaps at variance with the group's view, and sometimes labelled «thinking the unthinkable»: L6P.
  • Any Shared endeavour can benefit from systematic inquiry. To ensure impartiality, an analysis may be commissioned from an external agency with a known and appropriate perspective: L6S

Influences in Cooperation

Rationales for alternative courses of action need to be developed.

Thinking something new (L6) invariably impinges on group relations and feelings (L5) and on cooperative processes and progress (L4). However, it has no direct effect on choices related to special competencies (L3), brute power (L2) or self-interest (L1).

ClosedExplain the Picture

Criticism & Stimulation: L6 L5

Formal inquiries and analyses invariably contain criticisms of the current situation, which may feel uncomfortable to participants. New options will usually demand changes that affect relationships important to harmony and effectiveness. This draws out disagreements and argument from the group. The Channel to group loyalty is therefore labelled: Criticism (L6S L5S). By contrast:Closed Trusting relationships cannot affect, and are themselves unaffected by, independent inquiries and analyses: so there is no channel linking L6S and L5P.

Close personal relationships and new ideas do interact. New thinking and examining radical options should invigorate good relationships and raise the level of trust. Conversely, trusting relationships encourage and stimulate learning, brain-storming and readiness to consider new perspectives. This Channel is labelled: Stimulation (L6P L5P). By contrast:Closed An individual’s new idea has no effect on group solidarity (and vice versa), so there is no Channel linking L6P and L5P.

Re-direction & Proposals: L6 L4

In the group setting, a person who has taken the trouble to look at things differently and develop new thoughts can re-direct the group and enable it to propose proper inquiry. Conversely, problems in reaching or implementing a consensus invite individuals to look at the group’s situation in a new way. This Channel is labelled: Re-direction (L6P L4B).

When vested interests foster controversy, and resolution seems impossible, the group often proposes dispassionate consultant investigations as part of the process. The group proposes suitable terms of reference for the inquiry team, which is expected to take a functional view and propose recommendations. These proposals invariably assume or specify cooperation across existing boundaries. The Channel is therefore labelled: Proposals (L6S L4B).


Investigations are expensive and engaging with new ideas is difficult: both can be extremely time-consuming. The effort is more tolerable if thinking is oriented to an inevitable future for which all agree there is a need to prepare. This takes us to the final Level, which is based on the reality-centred mode.

Originally posted: July 2009