Imperatives of a Commercial Focus

TOP Note—Know the Mentalities: It will help if you are familiar with the approaches people use for interaction and principles derived from these to guide individuals progressing in a career.

Adjusting the TET Axes

We now move from:

a person-interacting-for-benefit-with-others
i.e. a communal person-society focus


a company-interacting-for-benefit in-a-marketplace
i.e. a commercial business-market focus).

Cf. the previous adjustment:Closedan employee-interacting-for-benefit-in-a-firm with an employee-company focus.

ClosedTHEE Note 

Plotting the Approaches

Interaction now refers to companies competing and cooperating as they pursue business activities in their markets. So the TET axes must be re-labelled

The essential «self» of a business, that can be developed to a lesser or greater degree, is the company. So we have Company development as the Y-Axis rather than Self-development.

Shifting the focus from a person in society to an business in a market alters the axes of the interacting-for-benefit table.

A business contributes to society primarily by defining, developing, entering, serving, expanding and supporting its markets in ways that enhance choice for purchasers. So we have Market contribution as the X-Axis rather than Societal contribution.

Business Imperatives

The defining imperatives for a business differ in quality from those for a person. However, rather little changes in the spirit and essence of what interacting-for-benefit entails. The changes are shown in the graphic below and the explained in the dropdowns.

How the interacting-for-benefit approaches manifest for a business operating in its market.

Originally posted: July 2009