Improving Government Interventions (L5 - L7)

Community-centred strategic intervention needs to be shaped by special concern for citizens, dispassionate economic evaluation and facing up to realities.

The final three Levels are oriented to improving the quality of
L4-strategic interventions.

L5-Kinship: Protection

Level-5 orients attention to hardship of members of the society and the need to be protective and care specially for the citizenry (as distinct from foreigners).

L6-Perspective: Evaluation

Level-6 enables dispassionate analysis in a multiplicity of ways, dependent upon the availability of good information.

L7-Reality: Recognition

Level-7 focuses on the need to face up to underlying forces and uncontrollable trends affecting commerce and prosperity in society.

Charity Begins at Home (L5): 

The most intense kinship orientation will occur when society is a single ethnic group with a single language and unifying religion: a true nation. However, in all societies governments recognize the universal desire of their people to be protected. There is also the popular urge to maintain and improve standards of living in the home society, regardless of conditions in other societies viewed as alien.

Although the urge to advance domestic interests is powerful, such a drive, and any intervention flowing from it, is unlikely to be beneficial to society unless it is both informed and realistic. This takes us to the final two Levels.

Socio-economic change is continuous and that provides a demand for up-to-date knowledge. Information and analyses are particularly important given that popularly-desired interventions commonly cause harm.

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Dispassionate Evaluation (L6): Perspective-centred

Governments must set up independent statistical agencies that produce figures on a range of relevant economic and social indicators. These then allow officials, businesses and academics to track and analyse performance within society.

Henry Hazlitt correctly noted that, “the whole of economics can be reduced to one lesson, and that lesson can be reduced to a single sentence. The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate, but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups …”

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Facing Economic Realities (L7): Reality-centred

Governments cannot fully stem the economic consequences of social forces and events, but they can identify them, pay attention to them, see potentials in them and envision futures so as to design interventions that flow with forces (rather than attempt to deny them or fight them) .

This sort of realism is non-ideological and non-political. Implicit within reality-centredness is the recognition that in the realm of psychosocial reality: what people think has primacy over supposed objective facts.

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  • There is no higher Level. Nor is there a more comprehensive requirement on governments with regard to economic interventions.

  • Continue to the next section on politico-economic choices and forces. The main dilemmas for governments will be identified, and the interactions amongst these levels will be mapped.

Originally posted: Q3-2009