Flows of Influence in Society

Citizenry Awareness
CG7-Maintenance of Stability ↔ CG6-Political Will

The citizenry of any society tend to fall into two camps: those that accept and defend the status quo expressed in the social order, and therefore provide a base for conservative-oriented politicians; and those that focus on current frustrations and dissatisfactions and look for politicians who campaign for progress through reforms that are may be more or less radical. This corresponds to the two channels of influence between CG7 and CG6.

Step 2 in the analysis shows the flows of influence in society via channels crossing one level.

CG7B CG6I : When maintaining stability interacts with sustaining the social order the result is Conservative Politics

CG7B CG6D: When maintaining stability interacts with a focus on popular dissatisfaction, the result is: Progressive Politics

Public Mandate
CG6-Political Will ↔ CG5-Authorization Arrangements

The potential Channels here are fourfold.

CG6I CG5I: The public mandate based on sustaining the social order and operating society’s governing institutions is about ensuring Societal Continuity. Governance is the mechanism for continuity and the social order is the expression of continuity.

CG6D CG5D: The public mandate based on popular dissatisfaction and society’s current leaders is about expecting Political ResponsivenessLeaders are expected to respond to dissatisfaction, and dissatisfaction highlights leaders willing to identify and deal with it.

However, the other two Channels do not exist:

CG6I CG5D: Sustaining the social order is not influenced directly with society’s current leaders because the former is taken for granted by the latter. Conversely, the social order has no influence on the leaders chosen at any particular time.

CG6D CG5I: Popular dissatisfaction does not link directly with society's governance arrangements because a governance system is a neutral mechanism with no position on specific issues or problems. Leaders are expect to introduce reforms using governance systems as they are.

Societal Shaping
CG5-Authorization Arrangements CG4-Resolution of Differences via Policy Inquiry

Society is shaped by the current leadership developing policies using mechanisms provided by the governance institution.

CG5I CG4B: Society's governing institutions provide the mechanisms and powers to develop, sanction and implement policy proposals which limits society in the face of conflict over issues. As usual it is a two-way influence because choices in resolving differences may limit the governance system.

This channel is labeled: Societal Limits.

CG5D CG4B: Society's current leaders provide the energies that instigate and review policy inquiries to handle differences of view. Targeted inquiries to resolve differences affect leaders in their handling of conflicts.

This channel is labeled: Societal Direction.

Popular Contribution
CG4-Resolution of Differences ↔ CG3-Mobilization

People can contribute to policy formulation if they are prepared to learn about proposals and ready to respond publicly in some fashion. There are two alternatives.

CG4B CG3DPolicy proposals may generate an organized mobilization when a particular group or section of society is concerned about the impact. Likewise, such a faction may organize mobilization with the express aim to generate or influence policy proposals.

This channel is labeled: Factional Responses.

CG4B CG3IPolicy proposals may also generate spontaneous demonstrations if individuals are shocked, and spontaneous demonstrations around some issue may generate awareness of differences the need for inquiries and proposals.

This channel is labeled: Popular Reactions.

Personal Conduct
CG3-Political Mobilization ↔ CG2-Political Work

All engaged in political work are sensitized to societal developments and therefore oriented to either take personal action in regard to the failing of a societal institution or to join in with factional efforts to foster policies serving those sectional values.

CG3D CG2B: A person engaged in political work will be encouraged and even expected to identify with an interest group and participate if requested when their group is mobilized.

This channel is labeled: Factional Commitment.

CG3I CG2B: Any spontaneous demonstration expresses active public engagement related to a person's political work. Being a political player is accompanied by a desire to be publicly associated with positions on issues of the day.

This channel is labeled: Personal Activism.

Personal Involvement
CG2-Political Work ↔ CG1-Social Commitment

At the base of the Tree, participation in the political life of society is manifested by ensuring that the everyday socio-political responsibility (G1B) expected of all citizens actually leads to some becoming a political player (G2B). Once that happens, a person is deeply involved with societal issues and societal institutions.

CG2B CG1B :  This channel is labeled: Personal Involvement.

Originally posted: Aug-2009; Last updated: 15-Nov-2010. Amended: 15-Nov-2023.