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Image taken from the cover of the hardback "Working with Values: Software of the Mind" to show various basic forms of human functioning.


Purpose was the first arena to be systematically developed taxonomically. It provided the guide to what was to become THEE. Papers initially published in the systems literature in the 1980s were revised and published in Working with Values: Software of the Mind (1995).

You can get most of the benefit free via file downloads from this page. The whole book can be purchased in hard-copy. Although expensive, because costs must be defrayed, this high quality encyclopedic volume will make a handsome addition to your library.

TOP Note: These downloads were extracted from the original Quark publishing files and converted to the pdf format. This process generated some minor errors of styling which are not found in the original. Some sections of the book are not suitable for download: see end note.

Downloads are listed below in a different order from the book-chapters. Each has associated tables &/or figures.

Download the book's Table of Contents

Figure #0: The full framework in outline.
This diagram was developed before I conceived of a structure for a unified taxonomy.

Purpose and Value

Ch. 3: Unravelling Purpose

Levels 1 to 5 in the Primary Hierarchy of Purpose-PH6.

It is easiest to engage with purpose by thinking about it as a way of translating values into action within a community. This account provides the origin of the discoveries in facilitating projects and consulting to organizations.

Table #1: Purposes used to translate values into action.

Ch.4: Exploring Value

Levels 6 & 7 in the Primary Hierarchy of Purpose-PH6.

Higher values, commonly taken for granted in everyday activity, need to be articulated for social life. These values are also forms of purpose and share distinctive properties with lower level values. The 5 forms/levels of value are compared.

Table #2: The complete hierarchy of purpose.

Ch. 5: Handling Natural Social Groups

Levels 3 to 7 in the Primary Hierarchy of Purpose-PH6

Values define groups and groups form around values. Each level of purpose that is also a value is associated with a specific natural group. See parallels between the natural groups and groups constructed to do work (i.e. organizations).

Table #3: Hierarchy of values and type of social group.
Table #4: Natural groups and organizations.

Ch. 10: Realizing Values—The Building Blocks

Groupings 1 to 4 in the Primary Structural Hierarchy-sPH6

Combining adjacent levels of purpose in every possible way reveals how values are realized in practice within any particular society. The lower groupings provide the essential tools: ones (Monads) define responsibility, twos (Dyads) constrain activity, threes (Triads) promote change, and fours (Tetrads) sustain achievement.

Figure #28: Purpose derivatives and processes for realizing values.
Table #29: Properties of groupings that realize values in society.
Table #30: Qualities of internal levels in each of the groupings.
Table #31: Properties of the seven levels of purpose.
Table #32: Properties of the six types of direction.
Table #33: Properties of the five components of drive.
Table #34: Properties of the four domains of functioning.

Ch. 12: Realizing Values—The Controlling Conceptions

Groupings 5 to 7 in the Primary Structural Hierarchy-sPH6

The higher groupings of levels of purpose provide the context and determine the use of the «building blocks» (Ch. 10) in a society. Fives (Pentads) organize endeavours, sixes (Hexads) regulate power, and the seven (Heptad) provides for the exercise of freedom.

Table #37: Properties of the three embodiments of autonomy.
Table #38: Designing duties to provide synergy in endeavours.
Table #39: Properties of the two guardians of sovereignty.
Table #40: Properties revealing coherence of the seven groupings.

Ch. 13: Being Intentional

Primary Hierarchy Tree (PH6K)

In practice, a dynamic tension is activated whenever values and purposes are set or used. This duality is expressed in the text as emotional v logical, but recent research indicates that this formulation is equivalent to (and better expressed as) personal v social. Applying the duality generates 10 Centres which permit 22 direct channels of influence. Channels may be used, neglected or misused.

Table #41: Intentional processes in social life.
Figure #42: Developing the channels needed to be intentional.
Figure #43: Effects of types of purpose and value on each other.
Table #44: Positive and negative effects in being intentional.
Figure #45: The image of intentionality.
Table #46: Using the twenty-two channels of intentionality.

Chapter 11: Classifying Organizations

Application of Tetrads: sPH6-G4

Organizations exist to meet communal needs and may be classified according to their social role. The four communal functions as found in the Tetrads (Ch. 10) provide the basic four types/roles in the classification. The other six types are combinations of these roles: three have dual functions, two have triple functions, and one performs all four functions.

Table #35: Ten-fold typology of organizations based on social role.
Table #36: Examples of organizations in each of the ten types.

Ethics: Ethical Choice & Ethical Authorities

Ch. 6: Making an Ethical Choice

Levels/Types 1 to 7 in the Principal Typology-PH'6

We experience obligations to act independent of our particular wishes or interests. There are seven core obligations that generate systematic approaches to making an ethical choice. Each approach reflects a particular aspiration and suffers a corresponding constraint.

Table #5: Properties of the seven approaches to ethical choice.
Table #6: Using the approaches to ethical choice.
Figure #7: Hierarchical evolution of ethical aspirations & constraints.
Table #8: Comparing ethical choice, decision & inquiry.
[Note: The inquiry section in Table #8 is now known to be incorrect.]
Figure #9: Nested hierarchies in the framework of purpose.

THEE Note: Closed Chapter 6 has issues.

Ch. 7: Developing Identity

Levels/Types 1 to 7 in the Principal Typology-PH'4 and in the Tertiary Hierarchy-PH"4.

Most discussions and research into ethics ends up being about morality in society. Any society naturally generates moral institutions. These are essential to engage with the personal experiences and identity features of members. To get clarity here, it became necessary to develop the Primary Hierarchy of Experience-PH4 and the Approaches to Identity Development-PH'4. That led to the discovery of the Natural Moral Institutions-PH"4 as a nested hierarchy within Social Being-PH'4.

Figure #10: The framework of experience with its nested hierarchies.
Table #11: Properties of the approaches to identity development.
Table #12: Psychotherapy and approaches to identity development.
Figure #13: Hierarchical evolution of dualities in identity development.
Figure #14: Rules in society's natural moral institutions.
Table #15: Properties of society's natural moral institutions.

The moral institutions serve as the moral context for political choice (as explained on the website only).

THEE Note: The PH'4 Typology has been re-named and re-worked somewhat in the light of the more recent knowledge that it is part of a taxonomy. The re-working is explained in the Existence and Individuality Satellite. It does not affect the main goal of the Chapter which is to identify and explain features of the Natural Moral Institutions. The new conception focuses on approaches to mental stabilization. This also provides a more convincing validation of the taxonomic location of the Natural Moral Institutions, which are powerful stabilizers both personally and for communities.

Ch. 8: Setting Ethical Rules

Levels 1 to 7 in the Tertiary Hierarchy-PH"6

The legitimist approach-PH'6L6 indicates that rules should be set. Nested within it, there is a hierarchy of ethical rules that draw in turn on each of the approaches to ethical choice. Each type of rule is often found as part of a rule system or code.

Figure #16: Linking frameworks of experience & purpose via motivation.
Table #17: Properties of the types of ethical rule and their associated codes.

Ch. 9: Accommodating Ethical Authority

Groupings 1 to 7 in the Tertiary Structural Hierarchy-sPH"6

Combining adjacent types/levels of rule in every possible way reveals how authority functions within any particular society. The groupings are formed in ones (Monads) as rules to recognize authority, twos (Dyads) as principles to maintain community, threes (Triads) as positions to socialize individuals, fours (Tetrads) as standards to protect identity, fives (Pentads) as frames of reference to judge conduct, sixes (Hexads) as imperatives to regulate obedience, and the seven (Heptad) as the ethical order to engender will.

Figure #18: The framework of ethical authorities.
Table #19: Groupings of levels of ethical rule generating ethical authority.
Table #20: Qualities of internal levels in each grouping of ethical rules.
Table #21: Properties of the seven types of binding rule in society.
Table #22: Properties of the six types of guiding principle in society.
Table #23: Properties of the five types of internalized position in society.
Table #24: Properties of the four types of minimum standard in society.
Table #25: Properties of the three definitive frames of reference in society.
Table #26: Properties of the two types of categorical imperative in society.
Table #27: Properties revealing coherence of the seven groupings.

TOP Note: Three chapters are not included in this download service:
Chapters 1 and 2 deal with general issues that are explained and updated within The Hub.

Chapter 14 contains reflections, some of which were more pertinent at the time of writing. More general issues are developed elsewhere on this website.

In addition, the book has a names index, a topic index and a glossary. The glossary is now part of the website's Glossary which can be accessed via the Table of Contents.

Originally posted: 1-Mar-2013. Last updated: 17-Oct-2014